To learn more about this step, see These are all pretty broad topic and for now we will focus on the x.509 certificates for encryption of the communication channels between server and clients. The extended store can reduce the size of your in-memory database. Although various materials and documents for HANA networks have been available to ease your implementations and re-configurations, you might have found it time-consuming and experienced a hard time to see a whole picture at a glance. From Solution Manager 7.1 SP 14 on we support the monitoring of metrics on HANA instance-level and also have a template level for SAP HANA replication groups. In most case, tier 1 and tier 2 are in sync/syncmem for HA purepose, while tier 3 is used for DR. A security group acts as a virtual firewall that controls the traffic for one or more Therefore, I would highly recommend to stick with the default value .global in the parameter [system_replication_communication]->listeninterface. shipping between the primary and secondary system. First time, I Know that the mapping of hostname to IP can be different on each host in system replication relationship. Linux' predictable network device names aka default network was "eth0" is now still predictably used as "enp1s0" with different rule set. For more information, see: This will speed up your login instead of using the openssl variant which you discribed. replication. In system replication, the secondary SAP HANA system is an exact copy of the active primary system, with the same number of active hosts in each system. # 2020/04/14 Insert of links / blogs as starting point, links for part II You can configure additional network interfaces and security groups to further isolate ISSUE: We followed the SAP note 2183363, and updated the listeninterface and internal_hostname_resolution HANA parameters on our non prod systems in a similar scaleout setup. Replication, Start Check of Replication Status The bottom line is to make site3 always attached to site2 in any cases. To pass the connection parameters to the DBSL, use the following profile parameter: dbs/hdb/connect_property = param1, param2, ., paramN, Introduction. IMPORTANT : the parameters in the global.ini must be set prior to registering the secondary system which means that you need to un-register and re-register if you want to change the configurations. Contact us. All tenant databases running dynamic tiering share the single dynamic tiering license. 2487639 HANA Basic How-To Series HANA and SSL MASTER KBA We are actually considering the following scenarios: mapping rule : system_replication_internal_ip_address=hostname, 1. If there are multiple dynamic tiering hosts available and you do not specify a host or port, the SAP HANA system randomly selects from the available hosts. * Dedicated network for system replication: 10.5.1. When set, a diamond appears in the database column. SAP is using mostly one certificate for all components (host agent, DAA, SystemDB, Tenant) which belongs to the physical hostname (systempki). Recently we started receiving the alerts from our monitoring tool: Unregisters a system replication site on a primary system. Attach the network interfaces you created to your EC2 instance where SAP HANA is Internal communication channel configurations(Scale-out & System Replication), Part2. Extended tables behave like all other SAP HANA tables, but their data resides in the disk-based extended store. Perform SAP HANA network interfaces you will be creating. Usually, tertiary site is located geographically far away from secondary site. After a validation on the non prod systems the change was made on our Production landscape that is using the HANA System Replication (HSR) The customizable_functionalities property is defined in the SYSTEMDB globlal.ini file at the system level. # 2020/4/15 Inserted Vitaliys blog link + XSA diagnose details If you want to force all connection to use SSL/TLS you have to set the sslenforce parameter to true (global.ini). This is necessary to start creating log backups. Tertiary Tier in Multitier System Replication, Operations for SAP HANA Systems and Instances, Enable / Disable Fullsync System SAP HANA SSFS Master Encryption Key The SSFS master encryption key must be changed in accordance with SAP Note 2183624. * as public network and 192.168.1. own security group (not shown) to secure client traffic from inter-node communication. Since quite a while SAP recommends using virtual hostnames. Contact us. Early Watch Alert shows a red alert at section " SAP HANA Network Settings for System Replication Communication (listeninterface) ": SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview 2777802-EWA Alert: TLS encrypted communication expected (when listeninterface = .global) Symptom You need at It must have the same system configuration in the system For instance, you have 10.0.1. ###########. To use the Amazon Web Services Documentation, Javascript must be enabled. SAP HANA dynamic tiering is an integrated component of the SAP HANA database and cannot be operated independently from SAP HANA. alter system alter configuration ('xscontroller.ini','SYSTEM') set ('communication','jdbc_ssl') = 'true' with reconfigure; You can use the same procedure for every other XSA installation. global.ini -> [system_replication_communication] -> listeninterface : .global or .internal SAP HANA Security Techical whitepaper ( 03 / 2021), HANA XSA port specification via mtaext: SAP note 2389709 Specifying the port for SAP HANA Cockpit before installation, It is now possible to deactivate the SLD and using the LMDB as leading data collection system. Figure 11: Network interfaces and security groups. You can also select directly the system view PSE_CERTIFICATES. no internal interface found, listeninterface, .internal , KBA , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , Problem . If you copy your certificate to sapcli.pse inside your SECUDIR you won't have to add it to the hdbsql command. the same host is not supported. We are not talking about self-signed certificates. SAP HANA attributes.ini daemon.ini dpserver.ini executor.ini global.ini indexserver.ini multidb.ini nameserver.ini statisticsserver.ini webdispatcher.ini xsengine.ini application_container auditing configuration authentication authorization backint backup businessdb cache calcengine cds . when site2(secondary) is not working any longer. SQL on one system must be manually duplicated on the other We have a Production HANA landscape on HANA 1.0 SPS12 with a 4+0 Scaleout setup with HANA System replication to TIER2 in the same Primary Datacenter and TIER3 in the Secondary Datacenter This has never occurred in the past as the System Replication monitor immediately reflects the TIER3 as soon as the Replication is configured, Further checks confirmed each volume from TIER2 was indeed replicating to TIER3 and it took the same amount of time it usually takes to synchronize, yet no signs of the TIER3 on HANA Studio Replication monitor Using HANA studio. If you want to be flexible in case of changing the server (HW change / OS upgrade), you need multiple certificates connected to different hostnames. We used NFS storage in our case which has following requirement: The actual architecture that we followed is as follows: Dedicated host deployment with /hana/shared/ mounted on both the hosts. It would be difficult to share the single network for system replication. Ensures that a log buffer is shipped to the secondary system The BACKINT interface is available with SAP HANA dynamic tiering. Scenario : we have 3 nodes scale-out landscape setup and in order to communicate with all participants in the landscape, additional IP addresses are required in your production site. But still some more options e.g. Which communication channels can be secured? Applications, including utility programs, SAP applications, third-party applications and customized applications, must use an SAP HANA interface to access SAP HANA. This section describes operations that are available for SAP HANA instances. When you launch an instance, you associate one or more security groups with the number. # 2021/03/18 Inserted XSA high security Kudos out to Patrick Heynen as in a separate communication channel for storage. Data Lifecycle Manager is a generic database-driven tool that enables you to model aging rules on SAP HANA tables to relocate aged or less frequently used data from SAP HANA tables in native SAP HANA applications. Before we get started, let me define the term of network used in HANA. ########. Log mode primary and secondary systems. Network Configuration for SAP HANA System Replication (HSR) You can configure additional network interfaces and security groups to further isolate inter-node communication as well as SAP HSR network traffic. we are planning to have separate dedicated network for multiple traffic e.g. # 2021/04/06 Inserted possibility for multiple SAN in one request / certificate with sapgenpse Figure 12: Further isolation with additional ENIs and security When complete, test that the virtual host names can be resolved from SAP HANA Native Storage Extension ("NSE") is the recommended approach to implementing data tiering within an SAP HANA system. ENI-3 The systempki should be used to secure the communication between internal components. Dynamic tiering is embedded within SAP HANA operational processes, such as standby setup, backup and recovery, and system replication. Step 1. -Jens (follow me on Twitter for more geeky news @JensGleichmann), ######## Surprisingly the TIER3 system replication status did not show up on the Replication monitor in HANA studio Most SAP documentations are for simple environments with one network interface and one IP label on it. Prerequisites You comply all prerequisites for SAP HANA system replication. if mappings are specified as either neighboring sites(minimum) or all hosts of own site as well as neighboring sites, an internal(separate) network is used for system replication communication. This note well describes the sequence of (un)registering/(re)registering when operating replication and upgrade. Disables system replication capabilities on source site. Introduction. For your information, having internal networks under scale-out / system replication is a mandatory configuration in your production sites. All mandatory configurations are also written in the picture and should be included in global.ini. I just realized that the properties 'jdbc_ssl*' have been renamed to "hana_ssl" in XSA >=1.0.82. You have assigned the roles and groups required. The delta backup mechanism is not available with SAP HANA dynamic tiering. operations or SAP HANA processes as required. automatically applied to all instances that are associated with the security group. To learn For more information about network interfaces, see the AWS documentation. An elastic network interface is a virtual network interface that you can attach to an Be careful with setting these parameters! (check SAP note 2834711). Scale-out and System Replication(3 tiers). So site1 & site3 won't meet except the case that I described. properties files (*.ini files). synchronous replication from memory of the primary system to memory of the secondary system, because it is the only method which allows the pacemaker cluster to make decisions based on the implemented algorithms. Each tenant requires a dedicated dynamic tiering host. Here your should consider a standard automatism. By default, this enables security and forces all resources to use ssl. For sure authorizations are also an important part but not in the context of this blog and far away from my expertise. Have you identified all clients establishing a connection to your HANA databases? In Figure 10, ENI-2 is has its own security group (not shown) to secure client traffic from inter-node communication. Considering the potential failover/takeover for site1 and site2, that is, site1 and site2 actually should have the same position. Though it's definitely not easy to go with so much secure setup for even an average complex landscape, hoping there will be a day when there would be a single instance for everything and hits on this blog would go sky-high , I just published mine and now seeing yours But where you use -sslcertrust I dig deeper how to make sure HANA server authentication works from hdbsql , Great post Vitaliy! Once the above task is performed the services running on DT worker host will appear in Landscape tab in hana studio. both the SAP HANA databases on the primary and the secondary site share the same license key, identified by the System Identifier (SID) and an automatically generated hardware key. System replication overview Replication modes Operation modes Replication Settings Both SAP HANA and dynamic tiering hosts have their own dedicated storage. And there must be manual intervention to unregister/reregister site2&3. You can use SAP Landscape Management for * You have installed internal networks in each nodes. 3. (1) site1 is broken and needs repair; implies that if there is a standby host on the primary system it You need a minimum SP level of 7.2 SP09 to use this feature. SELECT HOST as hostname FROM M_HOST_INFORMATION WHERE KEY = net_hostnames; Internal Network Configurations in Scale-out : There are configurations youcan consider changing for internal networks. Thanks a lot for sharing this , it's a excellent blog . There are some documentations available by SAP, but some of them are outdated or not matching the customer environments/needs or not all-embracing. exactly the type of article I was looking for. You comply all prerequisites for SAP HANA system HANA documentation. Have you already secured all communication in your HANA environment? * sl -- serial line IP (slip) 1. 2386973 - Near Zero DowntimeUpgradesforHANADatabase 3-tierSystemReplication. Step 2. So I think each host, we need maintain two entries for "2. With an elastic network interface (referred to as More and more customers are attaching importance to the topic security. In this case, you are required to add additional NIC, ip address and cabling for site1-3 replication. When you use SAP HANA to place hot data in SAP HANA in-memory tables, and warm data in extended tables, highest value data remains in memory, and cooler less-valuable data is saved to the extended store. Starts checking the replication status share. To configure your logical network for SAP HANA, follow these steps: Create new security groups to allow for isolation of client, internal Or see our complete list of local country numbers. Deploy SAP Data Warehouse Foundation (Data Lifecycle Manager) Delivery Unit on SAP HANA. of ports used for different network zones. * as internal network as described below picture. Download the relevant compatible Dynamic Tiering software from SAP Marketplace and extract it to a directory. If you've got a moment, please tell us how we can make the documentation better. SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0 Keywords enable_ssl, Primary, secondary , High Availability , Site1 , Site 2 ,SSL, Hana , Replication, system_replication_communication , KBA , HAN-DB-HA , SAP HANA High Availability (System Replication, DR, etc.) communications. Conversely, on the AWS Cloud, you For details how this is working, read this blog. The use of TLS/SSL should be standard for every installation, but to use it on every SAP instance you have to read a lot of documentation and sometimes the provided details are not helpful for complex environments. Otherwise, the system performance or expected response time might not be guaranteed due to the limited network bandwidth. SAP HANA system replication and the Internal Hostname resolution parameter: 0 0 3,388 BACKGROUND: We have a Production HANA landscape on HANA 1.0 SPS12 with a 4+0 Scaleout setup with HANA System replication to TIER2 in the same Primary Datacenter and TIER3 in the Secondary Datacenter the secondary system, this information is evaluated and the Thanks DongKyun for sharing this through this nice post. So we followed the below steps: SAP HANA and dynamic tiering each support NFS and SAN storage using storage connector APIs. 2487731 HANA Basic How-To Series HANA and SSL CSR, SIGN, IMPLEMENT (pse container ) for ODBC/JDBC connections. resolution is working by creating entries in all applicable host files or in the Domain Follow the These are called EBS-optimized We know for step(4), there could be one more takeover, and then site1 will become new primary, but since site1 and site2 has the same capacity, it's not necessary to introduce one more short downtime for production, right? need not be available on the secondary system. the IP labels and no client communication has to be adjusted. well as for SAP HSR, Storage zone to persist SAP HANA data in the storage infrastructure for Both SAP HANA and dynamic tiering hosts, including standby hosts, use storage APIs to access the devices. global.ini -> [internal_hostname_resolution] : tables are actually preloaded there according to the information Configure SAP HANA hostname resolution to let SAP HANA communicate over the the global.ini file is set to normal for both systems. There are two possibilities to store the certificates: Due to the flexiblity there are some advantages (copy move of databases) in the newer solution (certificate collection), but if you have to update 100 HANA instances with new certificate every 2 years it can be easier to use the file based solution. The same instance number is used for I have not come across much documentation on this topic and not sure if any customer experienced such a behavior so put up a post to describe the scenario After some more checks we identified the listeninterface and internal_hostname_resolution parameters were not updated on TIER2 and TIER3 Search for jobs related to Data provisioning in sap hana or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 22m+ jobs. inter-node communication as well as SAP HSR network traffic. Use Secure Shell (SSH) to connect to your EC2 instance at the OS level. Stops checking the replication status share. 2685661 - Licensing Required for HANA System Replication. Disables the preload of column table main parts. Thanks for letting us know this page needs work. We continue to fully maintain the SP05 version and deliver PL releases as necessary but there are no plans to release newer SP versions for DT. # Edit Multiple interfaces => one or multiple labels (n:m). Create new network interfaces from the AWS Management Console or through the AWS CLI. ALTER SYSTEM ALTER CONFIGURATION ( global.ini, SYSTEM ) SET( customizable_functionalities, dynamic_tiering ) = true. -ssltrustcert have to be added to the call. documentation. System replication between two systems on Please refer to your browser's Help pages for instructions. This optimization provides the best performance for your EBS volumes by From HANA system replication documentation(SAP HANA Administration Guide -> [Availability and Scalability] -> [High Availability for SAP HANA] -> [Configuring SAP HANA System Replication] -> [Setting Up SAP HANA System Replication] -> [Host Name Resolution for System Replication]), as similar as internal network configurations in scale-out system, there are 2 configurable parameters. But keep in mind that jdbc_ssl parameter has no effect for Node.js applications! It must have the same SAP system ID (SID) and instance Solution Secure Network Settings for Internal SAP HANA Services To avoid opening an attack vector in an SAP HANA system, it is necessary to configure the settings for internal service communication in the recommended way. From HANA Scale-out documentation(SAP HANA Administration Guide -> [Availability and Scalability] -> [Scaling SAP HANA] -> [Configuring the Network for Multiple Hosts]), there are 2 configurable parameters. Network and Communication Security. This It must have a different host name, or host names in the case of Unregisters a secondary tier from system replication. Therfore you first enable system replication on the primary system and then register the secondary system. On AS ABAP server this is controlled by is/local_addr parameter. For the section [system_replication_hostname_resolution], you can add either all hosts or neighboring sites, but I am going to add only neighboring sites in order to remove all the configuration conflicts in below examples. Source: SAP 1.2 SolMan communication Host Agent / DAA => SolMan SLD (HTTPS) => SolMan It is now possible to deactivate the SLD and using the LMDB as leading data collection system. This option requires an internal network address entry. For more information, see The last step is the activation of the System Monitoring. Javascript is disabled or is unavailable in your browser. Please use part one for the knowledge basics. Chat Offline. Single node and System Replication(2 tiers), 2. How to Configure SSL in SAP HANA 2.0 Application, Replication, host management , backup, Heartbeat. So for s1host1,, For s2host110.5.1.1=s1host110.4.3.1=s3host1, For s3host110.4.1.1=s1host110.4.2.1=s2host1. Would be good to have any feedback from any customers that have come across this and it will be useful for any customers that are planning to make this change in their landscape, Alerting is not available for unauthorized users. I see more alerts in the trace files, don't know if they are related: [178728]{419183}[119/-1] 2015-08-18 20:56:11.225670 e cePlanExec cePlanExecutor.cpp(07183) : Error during Plan execution of model _SYS_STATISTICS:_SYS_SS_CE_1402084_140190768844608_4_INS (-1), reason: executor: plan operation failed;CalculationNode ($$_SYS_SS2_RESULT$$) -> operation (CustomLOp):Compilation failed; OpenChannelException at network layer: message: an error occured while opening the channel, [42096]{-1}[-1/-1] 2015-08-18 18:45:18.355758 e TrexNet EndPoint.cpp(00260) : ERROR: failed to open channel! Following parameters is set after configuring internal network between hosts. collected and stored in the snapshot that is shipped. You have installed and configured two identical, independently-operational. There can be only one dynamic tiering worker host for theesserver process. mapping rule : internal_ip_address=hostname. In the following example, ENI-1 of each instance shown is a member Net2Source Inc. is an award-winning total workforce solutions company recognized by Staffing Industry Analysts for our accelerated growth of 300% in the last 3 years with over 5500+ employees . Visit SAP Support Portal's SAP Notes and KBA Search. Keep the tenant isolation level low on any tenant running dynamic tiering. The change data for the parameters ssfs_masterkey_changed and ssfs_masterkey_systempki_changed archived in the view SYS.M_HOST_INFORMATION is changed. SAP HANA System, Secondary Tier in Multitier System Replication, or For more information, see Configuring Instances. How you can secure your system with less effort? SAP User Role CELONIS_EXTRACTION in Detail. SAP Real Time Extension: Solution Overview. least SAP HANA1.0 Revision 81 or higher. a distributed system. Secondary : Register secondary system. License is generated on the basis of Main memory in Dynamic Tiering by choosing License type as mentioned below. external(public) network: Channels used for external access to SAP HANA functionality by end-user clients, administration clients, application servers, and for data provisioning via SQL or HTTP, internal network: Channels used for SAP HANA internal communication within the database or, in a distributed scenario, for communication between hosts. * wl -- wlan Maintain, reccomend and install SAP software for our client, including SAP Netweaver, ECC,R/3, APO and BW. SAP HANA System Target Instance. Alert Name : Connection between systems in system replication setup Rating : Error Details : At 2015-08-18 18:35:45.0000000 on hostp01:30103; Site 2: Communication channel closed User Action: Investigate why connections are closed (for example, network problem) and resolve the issue. As you may read between the lines Im not a fan of authorization concepts. You can copy the certificate of the HANA database to the application server but you dont need to (HANA on one Server Tier 2). Stop secondary DB. Is it possible to switch a tenant to another systemDB without changing all of your client connections? system. Single node and System Replication(3 tiers), 3. SAP Host Agent must be able to write to the operations.d Understood More Information In this example, the target SAP HANA cluster would be configured with additional network If you use a PIN/passphrase keep in mind that you have to use sapgenpse seclogin option to create the cred_v2 file inside the SECUDIR: Sign the certificate signing request with a trusted Certificate Authority (CA) as pkcs7 which will include all CA certificates. From HANA system replication documentation (SAP HANA Administration Guide -> [Availability and Scalability] -> [High Availability for SAP HANA] -> [Configuring SAP HANA System Replication] -> [Setting Up SAP HANA System Replication] -> [Host Name Resolution for System Replication]), as similar as internal network configurations in scale-out For more information, see Standard Permissions. Single node and System Replication(3 tiers)", for example, is that right? In the step 5, it is possible to avoid exporting and converting the keys. documentation. Log mode normal means that log segments are backed up. HANA database explorer) with all connected HANA resources! # Inserted new parameters from 2300943 SAP HANA Network Settings for System Replication 9. You have installed SAP Adaptive Extensions. Overview. It differs for nearly each component which makes it pretty hard for an administrator. There is already a blog about this configuration: Once again from part I which PSE is used for which service: SECUDIR=/usr/sap//HDBxx//sec. The values are visible in the global.ini file of the tenant database but cannot be modified from the tenant database. For instance, third party tools like the backup tool via backint are affected. Thank you Robert for sharing the current developments on "DT", Alerting is not available for unauthorized users, Right click and copy the link to share this comment. It is also possible to create one certificate per tenant. 1 step instead of 4 , Alerting is not available for unauthorized users, Right click and copy the link to share this comment, With XSA 1.0.82 (begin of 2018), SAP introduced new parameters (Check note,, 1761693 Additional CONNECT options for SAP HANA, 2475246 How to configure HANA DB connections using SSL from ABAP instance, Vitaliy Rudnytskiys blog: Secure connection from HDBSQL to SAP HANA Cloud,, Import certificate to HANA Cockpit (for client communication) [part II], Import certificate to HANA resource(s) [part II], Configure clients (AS ABAP, ODBC, etc.) Changed the parameter so that I could connect to HANA using HANA Studio. +1-800-872-1727. A separate network is used for system replication communication. It's a hidden feature which should be more visible for customers. (3) site3 is still registered to the site2 (as it's not impacted, async only as remote DR); The primary replicates all relevant license information to the received on the loaded tables. Internal communication channel configurations(Scale-out & System Replication). The required ports must be available. If set on the primary system, the loaded table information is Determine which format your key file has with a look into it: If it is a PKCS#12 format you have to follow this steps (there are several ways, just have a look at the openssl documentation): a) Export the keys in PKCS#12 transfer format: The HANA DB has to be online. After the dynamic tiering component has been installed on HANA system, start with addition of worker DT host, by running hdblcm from worker DT node. instances. Scale-out and System Replication(2 tiers), 4. Tenant running dynamic tiering license ssfs_masterkey_changed and ssfs_masterkey_systempki_changed archived in the view SYS.M_HOST_INFORMATION is changed network for system (... Some documentations available by SAP, but their data resides in the picture should. Is has its own security group ( not shown ) to secure client traffic from inter-node communication as well SAP... The relevant compatible dynamic tiering and site2 actually should have the same position is has its own security group not... ( pse container ) for ODBC/JDBC connections network Settings for system replication ( 2 tiers ) 4! You copy your certificate to sapcli.pse inside your SECUDIR you wo n't have to add to... Once the above task is performed the Services running on DT worker host will appear in tab! Delta backup mechanism is not working any longer ( SSH ) to to. Heynen as in a separate network is used for system replication ( 2 tiers ) 3... 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Define the term of network used in HANA studio the parameters ssfs_masterkey_changed and ssfs_masterkey_systempki_changed archived sap hana network settings for system replication communication listeninterface the snapshot is! Read between the lines Im not a fan of authorization concepts connection to your HANA databases be modified from AWS. I was looking for this, it 's a hidden feature which should be more for... Know this page needs work, SAP HANA dynamic tiering this section describes operations that are associated with the.! Since quite a while SAP recommends using virtual hostnames attributes.ini daemon.ini dpserver.ini executor.ini global.ini indexserver.ini multidb.ini statisticsserver.ini. The extended store can reduce the size of your client connections found,,! Sl -- serial line IP ( slip ) 1 and there must be.! 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Eni-3 the systempki should be used to secure client traffic from inter-node communication as well as SAP HSR traffic. Available for SAP HANA system HANA documentation are also an important part but not in the picture and be! Due to the hdbsql command lot for sharing this, it is also possible to switch tenant! For site1-3 replication serial line IP ( slip ) 1 for an administrator storage connector APIs ) not! Site2 in any cases listeninterface,.internal, KBA, HAN-DB, SAP dynamic... Pages for instructions using virtual hostnames virtual network interface is available with SAP HANA and SSL KBA... Communication in your production sites tenant databases running dynamic tiering share the single network system! From system replication overview replication modes Operation modes replication Settings Both SAP HANA instances two systems on refer!

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