All but 32 of the estimated 780 detainees have been transferred to other countries through repatriation and resettlement deals negotiated by the Bush and Obama administrations, including nine who died in military custody. Now, 32 remain. Please SHUT DOWN GUANTANAMO!". As producer Beth Portello explains, "Inspired by the declassified legal hearings of Guantnamo detainees, the film revolves around an Egyptian man living in Afghanistan who is kidnapped from his home and delivered to the CIA under suspicion of terrorism, sent to Bagram where he is brutally interrogated and tortured, then flown to Guantanamo Bay, and subjected to more torture as an 'enemy combatant.'" See his article here. They have analyzed and read the Geneva Conventions, Additional Protocol 1, Convention against Torture, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Alongside other celebrities like Celine Dion. Arrest and Executions of famous people this was posted, by Mary O'Connor and it says the list of the first 81 Celebrities who have been arrested or executed, we present to you the list of the 81 names of famous political actors singers who Served the Deep State, but . Click open one row and you can find Haji Nusrat Khan, an Afghan man who was once Guantnamos oldest detainee. Hillary Rodham Clinton was hanged at Guantanamo Bay Monday night, her death the culmination of an operation that began on March 2 when U.S. Navy SEALs on Donald J. Trump's authority arrested the disgraced politician at her Chappaqua, NY mansion. The first 20 detainees arrive at Guantnamo Bay, four months to the day after the 9/11 attacks. Lisa Hajjar, University of California Santa . Independence Day, and the prison at Guantnamo Bay has been open for 7,115 days. Arrests Will Include Mayors, Former Presidents, First Ladies, Judges, Police Chiefs, Billionaires, Media, Hollywood! Deep State Lies Are Crashing Down On Them! Photos of Close Guantnamo supporters on Jan. 11, 2021, the 19th anniversary of the opening of the prison, calling on Joe Biden to close the prison when he takes office. Frosting On The Cake Are 15 Congress Laptops Including Nancy Pelosi's!! It lists the known identities of detainees at the Guantanamo Bay detainment camp in Cuba. Naval base in southeast Cubaalso known as Gitmo or GTMOis nothing new and has [] LUDVIGSON LACE Aftcra Human Rights 02/13/2021 . Is Chucky The Capital Hill Shooter? I have been reporting from the U.S. naval base since the first prisoners were taken there from Afghanistan in January 2002, when access to the internet was dial-up and making a telephone call to the base from the mainland required a Cuban country code. The latest testament to that can be found in The New York Timess online database of prisoner profiles called The Guantnamo Docket, which recently underwent not just a redesign but also an update of nearly a decade of developments and documents a herculean effort undertaken during the pandemic by a far-flung group of Times software engineers, editors and journalists. ISN39 Convict Ali Hamza al Bahlul, a Yemeni, arrived the day the prison opened, Jan. 11 . Its overhaul solidifies its status as the most comprehensive public catalog of the men in orange. Independence Day, and the prison at Guantnamo Bay has been open for 7,115 days. 187. Today, June 19, 2021, the prison at Guantnamo Bay has been open for 7,100 days, and Jan Strain, a longtime supporter of the Close Guantnamo campaign, in Seattle, calls on President Biden to close it without further delay. Now it is time for President Joe Biden to close this monstrous example of hypocrisy for good. Delete. The United States has been leasing the 45 square miles that the base sits on . When Trump is ready, he will announce it over the Emergency Broadcasting System. The Supreme Court rejects President Bushs format for military commissions, forcing the administration to work with Congress on a new court. I was of the opinion that Pence & Paul Ryan were in cahoots in a treasonous attempt to overthrow our duly elected president. On Jan. 11, 2021, the 19th anniversary of the opening of the prison at Guantnamo Bay, Natalia Rivera Scott, in Mexico City (with a Spanish poster), urges President-elect Joe Biden to close it without further delay when he takes office in nine days' time. No laws in Guantnamo or in Washington where the war criminals guilty of implementing the torture programs are free and without accountability. As we know too well, President Biden can act meaningfully NOW by attempting an apology to all who have been held at Guantnamo AND securing a safe release to all who are still held. Kamala Harris is apparently at Gitmo for being a Satanic Pedophile. On Jan. 11, 2021, the 19th anniversary of the opening of the prison at Guantnamo Bay, Timothy Lind, in Three Rivers, MI, urges President-elect Joe Biden to close it without further delay when he takes office in nine days' time. I will update you with what I can, but dont ask any questions. E Palestine Fallout! Capital Hill Update!! Really hope if this is a great deception those who have orchestrated it are punished by Jesus in full. The new administration is his, he will be bringing a lot of new people, it will look and run completely different. Today, Sept. 27, 2021, the prison at Guantnamo Bay has been open for 7,200 days, and Close Guantnamo co-founder Andy Worthington says to Joe Biden, "Youve now been President for eight months, and yet youve done next to nothing to move towards the closure of Guantnamo just one prisoner has been released, ten men approved for release and 17 'forever prisoners' are still held, and 12 men are still caught up in a broken trial system. Today, Mar. Readers and researchers can now clearly see which men were held by the C.I.A. Weekend at Bernie's that celebrity! On Jan. 11, 2021, the 19th anniversary of the opening of the prison at Guantnamo Bay, Brian Terrell urges President-elect Joe Biden to close it without further delay when he takes office in nine days' time, and says, "Friends, at Andys request, my photo taken in Maloy, Iowa USA. Please do what is required, and close it as soon as possible.". "Clinton Shipped to GITMO, Awaiting Military Tribunal" says the title of the article dated March 7, 2021 (here, here) being shared on social media (here, here). I'm more impressed that if you've been executed, you still have to make mandatory appearances! A group of independent human rights experts appointed by the UN Human Rights Council has condemned the continued operation of the Guantnamo Bay detention facility in Cuba as a site of "unparalleled notoriety" and "a stain on the US Government's commitment to the rule of law". As we celebrate our 'proud history,' lets create a country we can be proud of. A Sept. 1, 2021, story from Real Raw News made a Pants on Fire false claim about Air Force pilot resignations. Boys named Assadullah, Naquibullah and Mohammed have entries, too. They Call For Trumps Removal When They Have Some Major Explaining To Do!! Michele Mattingly in Berkeley, California calls on President Biden to close it without further delay. GITMO: Where They Go One, They Go All To Tribunal ~ June 8, 2022 There is a new and updated lists that has been confirmed with many more added to it. Held in law-of-war detention but recommended for transfer if security conditions met. For months we have known about the indictments. Please appoint a Special Envoy for Guantnamo Closure as soon as possible, to arrange for the release of these men, and follow up with concrete and realistic proposals for the prisons closure.". In nine days time, when you take over from Donald Trump, the shame that is Guantnamo will be your responsibility, and you must finish what President Obama tried but failed to do when you were his Vice President close Guantnamo once and for all. Today, Mar. But seriously lets get Ashton Kutchers execution scheduled. It is the right thing to do, and the history books will remember you as the president who brought this shamefully long-standing example of U.S. injustice to an end.". Constructed in stages starting in 2002, the Guantnamo Bay detention camp (often called Gitmo, which is also a name for the naval base) was used to house Muslim militants and suspected terrorists captured by U.S. forces in Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere ( see also Iraq War ). Today, June 19, 2021, the prison at Guantnamo Bay has been open for 7,100 days, and Salah Med in Mauritania calls on President Biden to close it without further delay. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Required fields are marked *. Lmao but Celine was executed so there's that. For March 11, marking 7,000 days of the existence of the prison at Guantnamo Bay, Bernie Sullivan in Dorset, in the U.K., calls on President Biden to close it without further delay. Now that I work for The Times, I am part of the team that overhauled it. Guantnamo. Independence Day. Today, June 19, 2021, the prison at Guantnamo Bay has been open for 7,100 days, and Michele Mattingly in Berkeley, California calls on President Biden to close it without further delay. For March 11, marking 7,000 days of the existence of the prison at Guantnamo Bay, Baba Mohamed Nejib in Mauritania calls on President Biden to close it without further delay. . Exposure! Quantum Financial System Update!! Check out The Four Fathers song "Close Guantanamo" here. The Guantnamo Docket, a database that tracks men and boys who have been detained there, is one of the longest continually updated digital projects undertaken by The Times. The US government manipulates and controls life and death for current and former Guantanamo prisoners. - Must Video. Today, Jan. 20, 2021, the day of the inauguration of Joe Biden as president, the prison at Guantnamo Bay has been open for 6,950 days, and, in California, Dorrine Marshall calls on him to close the prison without further delay. Today, July 4, is U.S. 19, and 7,115 days on July 4, U.S. Today, July 4, is U.S. In 1993 Clinton apologized to Hawaiians for the U.S. overthrow of their monarchy 100 years earlier. @LudvigsonLaceAftcra @LudvigsonLaceLadyBlog no date given) . Click open the entry for Detainee 86, Shafiq Rasul, and you will see the British citizen whose name was on the first Guantnamo case to be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court. One detainee was sent to the United States for trial and is now serving a life sentence in a federal prison in Kentucky. What in the World is on Cynthia's mind? Dont see the difference in any of them other than Biden. Today, Mar. They Live And Their Meatsuit Is NO Longer Holding!! This second photo from the new feature film "I Am Gitmo" features, from left to right, Eric Pierpoint, Sammy Sheik, Chico Brown and Philippe Diaz. Today, Sept. 27, 2021, the prison at Guantnamo Bay has been open for 7,200 days, and Michele Mattingly in Berkeley, California calls on President Biden to close it without further delay. There can be no more excuses. The military then followed up with Administrative Review Board hearings to decide whether detainees should be transferred for policy reasons. Richard Perry/The New. Donald Trump wanted to refill it. Jan Meslin sent this photo of the Orange County Peace Coalition's online monthly meeting, at which people held up our posters marking 7,000 shameful days of the existence of the prison at Guantnamo Bay. This article contains information about alleged arrests, tribunals and executions that were being made during the Covid outbreak. I still remember the first ever images and propaganda coming out of Guantnamo. This stain on our countrys reputation must be closed right away! 2097Views |ToAlternativeon Saturday Jan 09 2021 02:20, Ex-Illuminati Girlfriend Says After Donald Trump and Others Leave Elite Parties the Orgies With Children and Brazen Grab Em by the Puzzy SlutsBegins! Indian in the machine is one of the original NESARA reporters for planet earth: I know people resonate with my teachings because you tell me so so why not help me out and go the extra mile, as I have gone for you Ive been at this 20+ years, without stable income, and could do so much more with your help some people actually think Im rich, because I share so much so often, and I am, but not financially namaste. We fought a war against Great Britain to free ourselves from that sort of injustice. Senators were right when they said, in a letter to you: 'As a symbol of lawlessness and human rights abuses, the detention facility continues to harm U.S. national security by serving as a propaganda tool for Americas enemies and continues to hinder counterterrorism efforts and cooperation with allies.' Russia vs Ukraine MSM Lies! The Bushs,Chaney,The Clintons and Obama all face Treason,Sedition and Execution by The State. Major Escalation In Russia/Ukraine War! He now knows. Breaking: Red Alert! By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Today, June 19, 2021, the prison at Guantnamo Bay has been open for 7,100 days, and William Hudon, Professor of History at Bloomsburg University in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania says, "President Biden PLEASE listen to the members of September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows. February 7, 2019 November 26, 2022 Curtis Ray. Today, Mar. This Composite Image Will Change America Forever Guaranteed! "2/2021: Partial List of Gitmo Arrests/Executions" "2/2021: Partial List of Gitmo Arrests/Executions" Excerpt: "All famous people arrested were either treasonous or involved in satanic worship rituals. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. What exactly does "mandatory appearance" do to explain why I can still see an executed person on live tv? Independence Day, and the prison at Guantnamo Bay has been open for 7,115 days. The Deep State international network of VIPs that are involved in child trafficking, human rights abuses, corruption and Satanic rituals are being investigated, detained and . The DETAILS of their passing, with the exception of a few cases, are being withheld from the public, until after President Trump's re-election on Nov 3 2020, after which time, the names and details will be eeked out. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Congress has thwarted closure and five men accused of conspiring in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks are arraigned in a new capital case rather than face trial in federal court in the United States. You're right. Mansoor is the author (with Antonio Aiello) of an extraordinary memoir about his experiences, "Don't Forget Us Here," which will be published by Hachette Books in August, and which we can't recommend highly enough. From 2004 to 2009, the military held tribunals to determine whether a detainee met legal criteria for wartime detention as a member of the enemy force. 2021. Growing from 25,000 to 50,000 and now rising to more than 200,000. Today, Mar. If you have any other info on Arrests and executions of famous people 2021, please share in the comments below. 1034Views |ToAlternativeon Friday Jan 08 2021 10:48, Did Chuck Schumer Kill Trump Supporter, Caught on Video?!! ", Today, Sept. 27, 2021, the prison at Guantnamo Bay has been open for 7,200 days, and Kay Schuetze, in Pinneberg, Germany, says, "Thank you for your effort and commitment. Hairline, Head Shape And Bald Spot Match!! That's what dictatorships do, so please make it a priority to get this disgraceful prison closed.". Reality is an interesting construct. It lists the known identities of detainees at the Guantanamo Bay detainment camp in Cuba. Ex-Illuminati Girlfriend Says After Donald Trump and Others Leave Elite Parties the Orgies With Children and Brazen Grab Em by the Puzzy SlutsBegins! ","D","O","U","%","x","N","*","b","d","R","A","J","]"," ","B",". Today, Jan. 20, 2021, the day of the inauguration of Joe Biden as president, the prison at Guantnamo Bay has been open for 6,950 days, and Natalia Rivera Scott, in Mexico City, calls on him to close the prison without further delay. No one can fully compensate the men imprisoned there for the decades wrongfully taken away from them, but releasing those who have been approved for release would be a step. This tribunal is pretty lax if they just let the people go about their business in the meantime. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO LIST THEM ALL ARRESTS AND EXECUTIONS OF FAMOUS PEOPLE 2021 UPDATED: ANDREW McCABE ARRESTED & SERVING LIFE WASHINGTON (AP) President Joe Biden will seek to close the prison on the U.S. base at Guantanamo Bay following a review process, resuming a project begun under the Obama administration, the White House said Friday. Mlanie Castro from France calls on President Biden to close it without further delay. Top Extraterrestrial Commander Ashtar Comments and Says it Is a Galactic and Exopolitical Issue Now, and to Expect Change! For March 11, marking 7,000 days of the existence of the prison at Guantnamo Bay, Jess Hope in Wales says, "7000 days. Some of it will be hard to believe, but they have all hard evidence thats easy to understand. Learn how your comment data is processed. Be patient, dont listening the news, even Christian Conservative programs are clueless on whats going on. Oxy Powder- Natural Colon Cleanser! Twitter, FB and other socialist social media groups that think theyve stopped Trump will look like deer caught in the headlights. Updated November 16, 2018, 7:38 PM. 11, 2021, the prison at Guantnamo Bay has been open for 7,000 days, and former prisoner Mansoor Adayfi urges President Biden to close it without further delay. Shirley Pheleps-Roper Arrested , Now at GITMO ARRESTS AND EXECUTIONS OF FAMOUS PEOPLE BY MARY O'CONNER Please Spread the Word. 3.6k. Pray! Update for 2021 regarding the arrests and executions of famous people and politicians (The Deep State) In this video Juan O Savin says our nation has to fix the terrible mess it's in (caused by The Deep State) before arrests of the cabal can happen. OECD.stat data, Globalist Tony Blair again pushes biometric digital IDs for all UK citizens, Brazil Gives Sleepy Joe the Finger, Welcomes Iranian Warships, People Sick in Finland After Eating Oysters, Breaking: United States to Sign Over Sovereignty to World Health Organization (Video), Climate Change Study Calls For World War II-Style Rationing of Meat & Fuel. Is Chucky The Capital Hill Shooter? Today, Mar. Today, Sept. 27, 2021, the prison at Guantnamo Bay has been open for 7,200 days, and William Hudon, a history professor at Bloomsburg University in Pennsylvania, calls on President Biden to close it without further delay. Nascent Iodine- Promotes detoxification, mental focus and thyroid health. Andy's message to President Biden was: "Please close the prison at Guantnamo Bay without further delay. "Major" Cyber Attack! Today, Jan. 20, 2021, the day of the inauguration of Joe Biden as president, the prison at Guantnamo Bay has been open for 6,950 days, and Steve Lane says, Dear President Biden, you have the opportunity to right a grievous wrong. Truth Wins! Sure, people are not seen anymore or are disappearing but that doesnt mean they are in Gitmo or are deceased. Check out The Four Fathers song "Close Guantanamo" here. 11, 2021, the prison at Guantnamo Bay has been open for 7,000 days, and Natalia Rivera Scott in Mexico City urges President Biden to close it without further delay. GITMO. He cites unnamed sources who he claims are in day-to-day contact with Trump, and . On this, Bidens first July the Fourth as president, I ask him to close Guantnamo as swiftly as possible, to bring to an end this shameful hypocrisy.". Guantnamo's Last Prisoners Wait for Justice Nothing but Pitch Black Darkness Ahmed Rabbani's journey through the U.S. dark prison system to Guantnamo. The others came in groups of about 30 in a series of flights in January and February. designed by Times Insider explains who we are and what we do, and delivers behind-the-scenes insights into how our journalism comes together. Note: Documents include some assertions that cannot be independently verified. The Pentagon late last night released its most extensive list of foreign terrorism suspects held at Guantanamo Bay by providing the names and nationalities of 558 . Today, July 4, is U.S. Trump will start releasing the Declass. For years we have known about the many political, business and entertainment elite who like to hobnob with child sex traffickers like Jeffrey Epstein and are involved in pedophilia. 11, 2021, the prison at Guantnamo Bay has been open for 7,000 days, and Close Guantnamo co-founder Andy Worthington says, "President Biden, you know how shameful it is that the U.S., which claims to respect the rule of law, has been running a prison for 7,000 days in which the majority of the men still held are held indefinitely without charge or trial. : Documents Include some assertions that can not be independently verified you have any other info on arrests and that! Gitmo or are deceased for policy reasons Ali Hamza al Bahlul, a Yemeni, the! This disgraceful prison closed. `` all hard evidence thats easy to understand Sept. 1, 2021, please in. Comments and Says it is time for President Joe Biden to close this monstrous example of hypocrisy for good closed... 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