This site is your resource to all things about German Shepherds based on my personal experience owning my first Shepherd and what I've learned over 8 years. It sheds a lot naturally German Shepherds will also shed, naturally, throughout the year even when the weather hasn’t been changing much. You can get the first month free using This link. For example, during mealtimes, you may notice your German Shepherd whine. Why your German Shepherd grunts, moans and groans, When it first started to grunt, groan and moan, How to stop your German Shepherd from grunting, groaning or moaning, How to tell if your German Shepherd loves you. or … Aug 31, 2019 - A lot of readers ask "what is the best dog food for my German Shepherd" and there is no easy answer. German Shepherd dogs were originally bred for herding purposes, so they need to be kept occupied both mentally and physically and require at least 1-2 hours of exercise per day to make sure they aren’t bored stiff.. They are considered the super dogs of the canine world because of how intelligent and loyal they are to their owners. This blog is based on personal experience owning a German Shepherd, which is not to be considered veterinary advice. Some dogs groan just as a part of their process for waking up and starting their day. #germanshepherd As a pet parent, you know your individual dog best, and will be able to tell if your GSD’s groaning is normal or something to be concerned about. Normally, groaning is a harmless way of communication for any dog, however, since German Shepherds are very vocal, they may groan more than some other dog breeds. Low intensity Walking at a leisurely pace, playing fetch in a small area or having your GSD play alone with its chew toys are low intensity exercises and can require 2 ½ to 4 hours to adequately provide enough … When puppies have bones that grow more quickly than they can keep up with, pain can occur. When they get excited that energy has to come out! Not only will your German Shepherd have a healthy and glossy coat, but systematically grooming your dog will significantly reduce shedding as well. Remember that a groan can have different meanings depending on the circumstances, so if your GSD is groaning, look at the possible reasons why before getting concerned. So, why does my German Shepherd grunt, groan and moan? Some bigger dog breeds can be more expected to experience Panosteitis, with recurrences, such as great danes, germans shepherds, and more. There are a number of things that you can do if you want to get your German Shepherd to stop making the noises. May 16, 2020 - This post will show you why your German Shepherd grunts, groans or moans and how to get it to stop.. . My german shepherd makes a lot of grunting noises (think XXXXX XXXXX in k-9) is it normal, I don't know if she is having trouble breathing or she is just relaxing. I love every aspect of training them and simply just having them around. Eventually they do adjust, but the initial discomfort of growing pains can be hard to bear. The German Shepherd, by classification, is a working dog that was originally raised for roundups, however, they are a true utility breed and have been used in … Our favorite: Ollie Dog Food - it's good because it tailors the food to your German Shepherd's specific needs Get 50% off your first order with this link. German Shepherds are pretty big dogs that need a lot of exercise. Get 50% off your first order with this link. This post will show you why your German Shepherd has been grunting, groaning or moaning and what you can do about it. Press Esc to cancel. Related post: How to tell if your German Shepherd loves you. There are certain factors that can influence the amount of shedding. It would also be more likely if it shows signs of aggression when doing it. If you can’t figure out any other reason why your German Shepherd is groaning, or if you think your GSD may be groaning too much, make an appointment with their vet to make sure there is nothing medically that could be causing them to groan. (its like 10 seconds long sometimes) i felt around her body for aches but she seems completely fine. Type above and press Enter to search. This is because they were initially bred for herding and barking was one way in which they used to align herd flocks. Brushing your dog the right way may seem time-consuming, but you will be glad you took the time to do it. However, they are a highly intelligent breed of dog and barking can be trained out of them. The reason that your German Shepherd grunts, groans or moans could be that it is enjoying itself. This would be more likely if it does it at specific times such as when it would normally go out for a walk, get fed or get attention in some other way. He’ll also yip or yelp if you touch the … My dog (German Shepherd/Alaskan Husky mix) seems to have a real problem getting around lately. He has lost a lot of muscle mass in his whole body, but the degeneration seems to be primarily in his hin … read more Today, when a German Shepherd reaches around 9 years of age - in human years; 52 in dog years - you know that you have a senior GSD.At this point or sooner, a lot will change. For example, many dogs don’t like thunderstorms, so, if you notice your German Shepherd groaning during a thunderstorm, it is probably because the storm makes them anxious and nervous. However, if your dog is groaning excessively, you may want to take a deeper dive to see if there is something else causing the groaning. German Shepherds Owner is also a participant in affiliate programs with Dunbar Academy, Chewy and Clickbank. German Shepherds tend to be a more vocal dog breed. Related post: Why is my German Shepherd afraid of everything? Bloat is extremely painful, and it can kill your German Shepherd within minutes! With that being said, even if they do not show signs of aggression they can still become aggressive. If you are unsure of why your German Shepherd grunts, groans or moans or you do not know how to get it to stop then the best option for you would be to get the help of a dog behaviorist in your area. You’re much more likely to see a puppy limping or favoring one leg or another. When they don’t get much exercise it can cause them to develop behavioral problems and to make noises. German Shepherds have been my constant companions. There are many reasons why your German Shepherd may groan, this article will help you to better understand the reasons why German Shepherds groan. If you German Shepherd is more prone to being nervous about new things or circumstances, they could groan when they are uncomfortable. They can also suffer from seperation anxiety when left alone for too long. Groaning under these conditions is just their way of expressing their elation, relaxation, and pleasure from something good happening. I also enjoy sharing my knowledge about German Shepherds with the world, and I encourage all future dog owners to consider one as a companion as well. If you German Shepherd is more prone to being nervous about new things or circumstances, they could groan when they are uncomfortable. Our dogs do all sorts of things to get our attention, groaning can be one of them. It would also help to consider when your German Shepherd started to do it. Welcome to German Shepherd Dog HQ! As far as exercise, everday we take a … Is this trait common among most German Shepherds? Another reason why German Shepherds groan is when something is bothering them physically. Here are some things to consider when trying to determine if you should worry about GSD groaning: German Shepherds can groan for all sorts of reasons. I like a lot of things about him especially that he uses his paws a lot. They both can…, If you have a German Shepherd you know that they have a lot of energy and…, If you are thinking of getting a German Shepherd you may have wondered do German Shepherds…. As an Amazon associate German Shepherds Owner earns from qualifying purchases. Stop giving it attention when it starts to make the noise, Give it attention when it stops making noises, Stop giving it attention again if it starts to make noise, Repeat the above and reward it with treats when it does not make noise when it normally would. Instead, an alternative option would be to stop giving it attention until it stops grunting, groaning or moaning and then to reward it when it does not do it. Just like German Shepherds can growl, bark, or howl out of excitement, they can also groan. Here are the best ways to get your german shepherd to stop whining. When dogs are in pain it is common for them to make unusual noises. Do German Shepherds Drink A Lot Of Water. Usually, signs associated with discomfort include vomiting, diarrhea, and/or gas. Each of the different reasons that your German Shepherd does it will likely come with some clues. Often times, when something feels good to our dogs, they express their pleasure with a groan. German shepherds Owner gets paid a commission when it refers traffic and business to these companies. Think of this kind of like humans stretching and yawning in the mornings when we wake up. He is about the size of a large German Shepherd but about 10 pounds overweight, I am trying to limit his calories but he gets such pleasure from food. Let’s say they are being told to lay down when they really want to play, they may lay down, but groan while doing so to express their frustration. Dog groaning is the least remarkable symptom of this condition. You may have noticed that when you rub your dog’s tummy, or scratch behind their ears just right, they start groan uncontrollably. A tired dog is a happy, but more importantly, silent dog. However, you need to know that they shed a lot by comparison to other dogs, namely year-round, which has earned them the nickname “German Shedder”. This guide tells you why, and what food brands are best. German Shepherds sometimes groan while stretching. If it never used to make those noises but it suddenly started doing it then it would help to think about what else happened at around the same time that it started doing it. is she in pain? This would be more likely if it does it in situations where it gets excited such as when you come home or when playing tug of war. German Shepherds Owner is also a participant in affiliate programs with Dunbar Academy and Oliie Pets. If yours is not getting that much exercise then it could be why it is grunting, groaning or moaning a lot. Doberman Pinschers and German Shepherds are among the most recognizable large dog breeds. You can look at the book Training Your German Shepherd on Amazon to get more tips about how you can train your GSD. My 5 month old female GSD lets out a really long groan when she is laying down or in her kennel. Brush Your German Shepherd Regularly. Give Them More Exercise. Why does my German Shepherd grunt, moan and groan? In this case, it would be best to keep your distance from it and to get the help of a professional dog behaviorist. Before trying to get your German Shepherd to stop grunting, groaning and moaning it would help to have a better understanding of why it is doing it. Normally, no! Of course, there are variations in shedding even among the same breed, but the general rule is – yes, German shepherds are heavy shedders. If it shows its teeth, lunges towards you, stands more erect and moves stiffly then it would be a strong sign of aggression. German Shepherds are only using you… Buzzsharer Your Dog is Expressing Comfort There’s a good likelihood that your dog is simply expressing comfort when he makes a grunt sound while lying down. German Shepherds shed a lot, and they do it all year long. With a vast array of landscapes and sprawling neighborhoods taking over much of the area, Tujunga, California sits within the borders of Los Angeles. It is common for German Shepherds and other dogs to grunt, groan or moan if someone approaches them when they are eating. Some things that might have happened could include: The timing of when it makes the noises would also likely tell you a lot about why it is doing it. German Shepherds Owner gets paid a commission when it refers traffic and business to these companies. For example, German Shepherds that eat too much dry food may drink a lot more water than usual. Interest. This is most common after they wake up in the morning, or after a nap. If he’s barking because he’s bored and needs to blow off steam, then you may want to consider giving him more exercise. German Shepherds are one of the most lovable dog breeds you can have. Brachycephalic breeds like the Boston Terrier, are known to have difficulty swallowing because of their short snout. In this case, you can try the training method below but you’re best bet would be to get help from a dog behaviorist who can give you more relevant guidance in this situation. On average, the German Shepherd will require an ounce of water per pound of their body weight every day, which is about 0.3 liters per pound. Generally, it is recommended that a German Shepherd get at least an hour of exercise daily. Groaning while relaxing is common as they are trying to find a comfortable spot to snooze, or they are just waking up from a nice nap. If you think that illness or injury might be the cause then it would help to take it to a vet. Why won’t my German Shepherd stop scratching itself? The good news…this behavior can be untrained. Groaning is just a normal way German Shepherds communicate. is this normal? Below, I will mention a number of reasons why your German Shepherd might grunt, groan or moan and the signs to look for. Sadly, this health problem is common among big and deep-chested dogs like the Labrador Retriever and the Great Dane.Signs of bloat in dogs need to be dealt with immediately, or death may occur. Our favorite: The German Shepherd Handbook (on Amazon) - Shows you all you need to know to keep your GSD happy, healthy and well-behaved. German Shepherd Dog HQ is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Below, I will show you a number of things that you can do about it. These dogs can easily become frightened by loud noises like thunderstorms or fireworks, or can even be afraid of a certain person. German Shepherds can groan for a number of reasons, such as being relaxed, stretching out, seeking your attention, being excited, or because they are experiencing pain. For example, if I'm petting him he'll push his head into my hands and sometimes put his paw on my leg or something. Your German Shepherd’s food diet may also affect his level of thirst. It could be the case that your German Shepherd grunts, groans or moans because it is being aggressive. Since your German Shepherd might also grunt, groan or moan because it wants attention it would also help to make sure to give it attention throughout the day. Something about the situation struck many dog lovers as “just not right. I find this usually happens if my German Shepherd is waiting for me to finish something up before we do something fun, like going out for a walk or play session. Ascites: Buildup of fluid may be making your senior dog groan. Read my story here. There are a number of things that you can consider when trying to figure out why your German Shepherd does it. Our favorite: The Dunbar Academy Training Program. With German Shepherds, specifically, they DO drink a lot of water, but for a reason. Depending on how much intensity you put into exercising your GSD, you may spend more time outdoors when deciding how much walking does a German Shepherd need. I have a 4 year old male German Shepherd that I got about 6 months ago. German Shepherds owner is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC associates program. If pain is the cause then you’ll probably notice other symptoms such as limping or a change in behavior. I Love My Lab. It would also be more likely if it does it when you haven’t given it much attention for a while. Below, I will mention some things that you can consider. He survived - but it took a lot of courage. Entertainment Website. Possible reasons are that it is excited, it wants your attention, it’s ill or injured, it’s doing it as a warning, it’s protecting its food or possessions, it’s bored, it’s frightened or it is being aggressive. When dogs are in pain it is common for them to make unusual noises. For example, if it only seems to do it when you have not fed it for a long time then it would suggest that it is reminding you of that. For example, many dogs don’t like thunderstorms, so, if you notice your German Shepherd groaning during a thunderstorm, it is probably because the storm makes them anxious and nervous. If you have a German Shepherd, you probably are aware that they have a lot of energy and are easily excitable. Unless they’re in pain or sick, giving your german shepherd a lot more exercise should decrease their whining. A lot of sounds your dog may make is harmless, but if you hear him grunting or groaning as he lies down then that could get you worried whether your dog might in pain. If you are noticing your dog groan while doing an activity that makes them excited, this is probably the reason why. Once they’re tired, they’re not going to want to whine as much. If you want a happy and obedient German Shepherd, this is one of the best online dog training programs available right now. Welcome to German Shepherd Dog HQ! Sometimes, German Shepherds whine when they are in pain. You can watch the video below for some tips on how to do so: German Shepherds are meant to be a very active breed that are supposed to get a lot of exercise daily. Panosteitis, is a condition of rapid bone growth. Although German Shepherds present a tough exterior, they can get nervous and anxious as well. German Shepherds have a lot of energy. German Shepherds are sensitive to people and situations. This site is your resource to all things about German Shepherds based on my personal experience owning my first Shepherd and what I've learned over 8 years. I never felt that lump before. To use it to get it to stop grunting, groaning or moaning you would do something such as: If your method of getting your German Shepherd to stop grunting, groaning or moaning is to give it things that it wants such as a toy, a walk or attention then it could be that it has learned that doing it will get it those things. Some GSD’s are more prone to barking while others may groan more to express their excitement. This post contains affiliate links. This has no effect on the price you pay and we are very grateful for any support. Why is my German Shepherd afraid of everything? It would help to consider the way that it makes the noises. This could be the case if it becomes vocal when you try to pet it or when you go near it. My wife and I have been privileged to be owned - serially - by three German Shepherds over the last 21 years. Also, he's very vocal, constantly groaning and … I Love My Husky. Dog foods like kibble contain very little water content so the German Shepherd will need to compensate that by drinking more water. The reason that it does it could be that it wants your attention. she even does it when i talk, like she's interrupting me to get my attention or something. This means that if your German Shepherd has not suddenly started to shed a lot more than usual then it is likely to be shedding a natural amount and you shouldn’t be concerned. If you tend to leave it alone for long time periods such as for work then it might help to try and come back quickly during your lunch break. One option would be to try positive reinforcement training. It could be the case that it does it as a warning. As long as you can keep their activity needs checked, they can adjust well into indoor life. The German Shepherd Dog Community. This would especially be the case if it is aggressive when it does it as well. This is where you reward your German Shepherd for behaving the way that you want it to. German Shepherd Dog HQ is not claiming to be an expert on German Shepherds, nor do we provide veterinary advice. German Shepherd owners know that won’t happen until you’ve walked your dog, gone to the park, or provided some sort of exercise. Your German Shepherd Is Fearful Or Anxious. See here what you can do. However, if your notice that because of the situation, the frequency of the groaning, or your dog’s demeanor that something is off, you should go with your gut and make an appointment with their vet. You can find information on training, health, puppies, and products that will help make owning your GSD easier. Bloat in German Shepherds is more common that you think. California is no stranger to the happenings of wildlife. Entertainment Website. German Shepherds Owner IS A PARTICIPANT IN THE AMAZON SERVICES LLC ASSOCIATES PROGRAM. If your German Shepherd has been groaning or moaning a lot recently in situations when it normally wouldn’t then this could be the case. You can find information on training, health, puppies, and products that will help make owning your GSD easier. Ascites is the buildup of fluid in the abdominal area, causing bloating and discomfort. It could be that your German Shepherd is injured or ill. For you too. Another reason why German Shepherds groan is out of frustration. This can also make Boston Terriers drool. Education Website. If your German Shepherd does this then be careful since they will often become aggressive if you go too close to it when it is eating. German Shepherds are tough dogs, and they don’t complain a lot, however, if there is something causing them discomfort, they may groan from time to time because of the pain. An effective way of doing this is taking him out and throwing a ball for 10 minutes. Germanshepherdsowner may be paid a commission from the companies mentioned in this post. So, it would still be important to be cautious when it is making noises especially if it does it when eating. Sometimes excessive salivation in German Shepherds can be caused by your dog having something stuck in their throat or having a hard time swallowing. My German Shepherd groans often when she is laying around in a relaxed state. This would especially be the case if it started to do it suddenly and if it has been acting differently in other ways as well. If your German Shepherd is still a puppy then it will be very important for you to train it out of the behavior while it is still young. They are known to make all sorts of noises including groaning. We also noticed a lump right under her jaw. This would be more likely if it shows its teeth when it does it, it has its ears erect and it moves stiffly from side to side. Article from When fluid builds up within the abdomen caused by a primary disease or illness, the dogs abdomen can become distended. German Shepherd Country. It could be that, in certain situations, your German Shepherd remembers being mistreated in the past and this has caused it to become apprehensive. Such as limping or favoring one leg or another are aware that they have lot!, i will mention some things that you can keep their activity needs checked, they groan. The help of a professional dog behaviorist i talk, like my german shepherd groans a lot 's interrupting me get... Morning, or after a nap you ’ re tired, they could groan when they are to! Into indoor life month old female GSD lets out a really long groan they. Stop whining dry food may drink a lot you have a German Shepherd is prone! Make noises very difficult to lie down left alone for too long way! Which is not claiming to be owned - serially - by three German Shepherds present tough... 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