We are completely confidential and do not use caller ID, so you can choose to remain anonymous if you wish. “It was like the turmoil of an ocean inside me…In the middle of the night when I didn’t have anyone to talk with, you were there…Thank you for being the bridge in the middle of the night.” A Caller to Samaritans. Related topics. BlahTherapy is run by and was founded (April 2010) by a single individual who has had moments just like you - where we really needed to speak to someone. My disappointment in my friend came from the latter. Depression medication will not get rid of that problem. color: white; When you're suffering, it's natural to want to talk to someone about your problems. Talking about your feelings. My disappointment in my friend came from the latter. background-color: white; You may not feel comfortable talking to friends about what’s on your mind for many reasons. i realy need someone to talk to about my problems? 'You seem to be drinking more lately and I think it’s having a bad effect on us.' font-family: Arial; When you do, Samaritans is there. 'I want to talk to you about something: I feel that your drinking is causing you some problems.' When you need to talk to someone now about a problem, you can reach out to a personal consultant. Build your self-confidence by venting to non-judgmental individuals. Samaritans "NYC Guide for Survivors of Suicide Loss” provides an overview of resources, research, activities and other helpful information intended to assist survivors as they move on their path to healing, including a comprehensive list of support groups like our own Safe Place program. They say a problem shared is a problem halved. • feel uncomfortable talking to family, friends, clergy or health professionals Receive offers on therapy products, online sessions, relationship guides, and more! Call Samaritans if you need someone to talk to! I need someone to talk to about my problems. E-mail me at iggysmalltop@yahoo.com and ask me or talk to me. BlahTherapy is run by and was founded (April 2010) by a single individual who has had moments just like you - where we really needed to speak to someone. Our HopeCoaches will listen to you, provide an unbiased perspective, and point you toward hope. Plus I’m learning to learn the difference between hope and fantasy. Samaritans is a non-religious, not-for-profit organization that has operated our crisis response hotline for 30 years in the NYC-Metropolitan area answering over 1 million calls. Real Online TherapyTrusted advice, guidance, and counseling for depression, relationships, health, mental illnesses, and more. Be clear that you simply need to share your experience, and that you don’t want solutions. Confidential. } They simply listened. Over the last 30 years, Samaritans hotline has responded to over 1,000,000 calls from people dealing with every kind of issue and personal, emotional or health-related problem imaginable. Today, BlahTherapy connects you with random strangers around the world who are willing to talk to you about your problems… My group didn’t judge me because I said I need someone to talk to. ok, I am free. My … During these remarkable times that few of us could have imagined, we are all being challenged to adapt and adjust, which is what we are focusing on at Samaritans these days. Finding the right person to talk to. When you need to talk to someone now about a problem, you can reach out to a personal consultant. Sometimes they are too close to be able to see things from an objective point of view and instead of listening will want to jump in and 'do' something. This includes depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress, a dramatic loss, chronic or terminal illness, alcohol and substance abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence, bullying, sexual identity issues, unemployment, etc. if you find a group of like-minded people, ask them not to give you advice on your problem. People call when they are experiencing feelings of depression, or anxiety, or emotional stress. iggysmalltop. ... but you don't want to go though the process because it … Samaritans free, non-religious 24-hour emotional support and crisis response hotline is available on an immediate and ongoing basis for people who are dealing with every kind of problem, situation, illness, trauma or loss and need someone to talk to. Thousands of people have called Samaritans to talk about their relationships, their uncertainty about the future or where they are going. When you share your problem with someone and they share theirs with you, then both problems … Bare with me if this is long, but it's necessary. The absolute worse kind of person to be is the kind who acts like other people were put on this planet as their personal, magic ATMs, to spit out advice, friendship, money, contacts the second we need them. I didn't really know how to put this but I want to be a counselor when I am older and I love listening to people and giving them advice. Get in touch with us by phone or email. Find out about relationships, your destiny, and purpose. Learning that it's okay to talk about our problems can feel a bit like a trip to the dentist. 1 decade ago. Relevance. i just need someone to talk to. WebChat with a counsellor. My problem is he is a great father and it would break my childrens heart, I know my oldest won't handle it well. AnonymityAnonymous Venting/Listening - No signup required. cursor: pointer; I'm 14 years old. text-align: center; Run by the National … I pray for you people daily to keep up the good work.” A Caller To Samaritans. I need to find someone to talk to about my problems? Support options. When you do, Samaritans is there. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I need to speak with someone immediately my account has been hacked i need help . Talk to someone for free about your problems (free psychotherapy) April 4, 2015, 12:48 am 4 Comments The World Health Organization has reported that 1 in 4 persons is affected or will be affected sometime in their life by some type of mental disorder and over 450 million people world is affected by psychological disorders. .button:hover { Your … Posts: 1 Joined: Jun 2004 Oct 21, 2004 - 4:03 am. Online NowTop psychic advisors are available 24/7 to answer your questions and get you back on the right path. Plus I’m learning to learn the difference between hope and fantasy. Samaritans completely confidential 24-hour crisis response hotline, staffed by professionally trained volunteers who have responded to over 1 million calls, provides immediately accessible ongoing emotional support to those who are in distress or suicidal. Answers from experts on i want to talk to someone about my problems. border-radius: 8px; When you can't find someone to talk to, it can be painful. Sometimes we need someone to talk to just because we’re scared to be open with those actually in our lives. I need to speak to or email someone im having technical problems that cant be sorted by these stupid FAQs theyre sending me round in circles and are of no help how do i speak to an actual person I need someone to talk too 15 posts, 0 answered Oldest first | Newest first ... begun to have really bad thoughts recently and really feel i need help. text-decoration: none; Im a … Instead, you just want someone who will listen – someone who will care. Every day, people call Samaritans for countless different reasons. If you’ve had a bad day, or an aching heart, you can call us. font-size: 24px; relatehub - free WebChat . Can you e-mail me? I don't know who to go to anymore as soon as I have someone to talk to they don't want to deal with me anymore. my e-mail adress is i boxerlove@yahoo.com. I'm going through rough things right now. Donations to Samaritans fund all our suicide prevention programs--the 24-hour crisis hotline, suicide survivor support groups, public education and awareness--which help thousands of people each year who are in distress, overwhelmed and suicidal and need a place to turn. I've been going through a bit of a rough patch of life, and I was wondering if there was any website devoted to helping others through these times. Whether you are feeling depressed, overwhelmed, experiencing a crisis or thinking about suicide, Samaritans hotline volunteers will listen, without any judgment, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you want to talk to someone, below is a list of resources that you might want to check out. color: black; display: inline-block; A personal consultant is someone you can simply talk to about your problems, receive support, encouragement, and advice if you want it. You can start talking to someone immediately, or you can develop a rapport with a specific listener and talk … When you know someone has your back, that emotional support can make all the difference. It's good that you want to talk and I can understand why you are reluctant to do so with family and friends. Learning that it's okay to talk about our problems can feel a bit like a trip to the dentist. relatehub offers free 30 minute WebChats and access to online self-help resources if you’ve been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic in any way and you live in England. Suicide Prevention is Everybody’s Business! Want to talk to someone at Relate? For the first time since we were established in 1982, we have been forced to put ... Our "NYC Guide to Suicide Prevention Planning" puts key information and research on responding to a person in distress, assessment tools, safety and postvention planning, links to community resources, free training, depression screening and suicide support groups at your fingertips. When you call Samaritans, we ask if you are feeling suicidal. All Topics Topic Family & People Relationships » I need someone to talk to about my problems Princess214 Posts: 20, Reputation: 1. Need to talk to someone? Our trained volunteer listeners are available 24/7 to give emotional support over online chat. (212) 673-3000. Help I need someone to talk to. Samaritans Completely Confidential HotlineWhen You Need Someone to Talk to 24/7, .button { Maybe someone my age or someone a bit older. Favourite answer. Online help alone won’t always cut it. I self harm, I'm depressed, I'm insecure, and a lot more problems, but every time I go to talk to my parents. We’re here to talk, and to listen. No one knows who you are or what your problems are unless you want them to. If someone listens to your problems, you'd damn well better be prepared to listen to theirs. Last night I was on the phone with my best friend and she was pouring out her problems to me because she always comes to me for help. So if you’re reading this and you want someone to talk to, feel free to contact me. A personal consultant is someone you can simply talk to about your problems, receive support, encouragement, and advice if you want it. Hi Amanda. Lifeline Crisis Chat. Maybe your friends don’t understand the specific struggles you experience. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. If you’re looking for a free chat with someone, I would recommend the 7 Cups of Tea site – but if you want to talk to me specifically, I’m charging $100 per one-hour session. Love, Life, & Career ExpertsGet answers and clarity in every area of your life. Some call because they: • feel scared or overwhelmed Today, BlahTherapy connects you with random strangers around the world who are willing to talk to you about your problems… If you’re struggling with a problem and need someone to talk to, you can talk to a Hope Coach over chat, on the phone, or over email. Last night I was on the phone with my best friend and she was pouring out her problems to me because she always comes to me for help. When You Need Someone to Talk To I have kik if you have kik and you want to solve my problems please tell me. Don't give up. If you’re struggling with a problem and need someone to talk to, you can talk to a Hope Coach over chat, on the phone, or over email. Or a feeling of isolation, a recent loss, an addiction, or a traumatic experience. Write it down. My expectations were so high and that’s from where I fell. how do i actually speak to a PERSON about the problems im having and get them sorted trhese FAQs are no help to me . border: none; The Samaritans © 2021 All rights reserved. Free, immediately accessible 24-hour emotional support Answer Save. We didn't even talk about why he did what he did or how it made me feel. 'The family cannot afford the money you spend on alcohol.' When you need someone to talk to, we're here to listen and help you feel better. • need to talk with someone between counseling or treatment sessions Technology can help you find someone to chat with about your problems too, ... people coming because they just need someone to talk to and want a human on the other end of the line. First: Start with a psychologist to discuss the issues about dad, and ask if the psychologist thinks medication might be helpful. Communicate with your therapists as often as you want and whenever you feel it's needed. And, our caring, professionally trained volunteers will listen as you try to cope with your difficulties and stresses. If you don't talk about your problems, you may find your pent-up tensions or feelings burst out in a way that is embarrassing or inappropriate. background-color: #00BFFF; Try creating a new thread for your problem and see if anyone can help you. But, when you let someone know you need their help, they will often respond well. padding: 9px 40px; Lifeline Crisis Chat. When you call Samaritans you will be greeted by a warm and caring volunteer trained in active listening and providing emotional support who will ask how you are doing today and explore with you the thoughts and feelings you are having tied to what is going on in your life at the present time. Talking to someone about your problems can be absolutely terrifying at times. Find a reputable psychotherapist who lives nearby and make an appointment. “I have called the Samaritans Hotline, not because I was suicidal, but because I needed someone to talk to, someone who would understand my feelings of helplessness, and sadness…They listened to me with great care, and treated me kindly.” A Caller to Samaritans. Also, if you have access to a family doctor you can talk … It's good that you want to talk and I can understand why you are reluctant to do so with family and friends. i need advice and i just dont know what to do. Perhaps you’ve been hurt in the past when you shared your problems. I Wish I Had Someone To Talk To About My Problems. Hi Amanda. He or she will also discuss with you the reason for your call and whatever challenges or difficulties you are facing and the anxieties or depressive feelings you are having without giving advice or expressing their own personal judgements. 24/7 AccessDo it at your own time and at your own pace. I have a similar problem and really need to speak to a real person. You can connect with one of these awesome humans via live, confidential, one-on-one chat. Counselor MatchingTake a questionnaire and be matched with a therapist specific to your needs. 24/7 Hotline: (212)-673-3000. Sometimes they are too close to be able to see things from an objective point of view and instead of listening will want … Some of the issues people are dealing with are short-term, others last for a period of time and still others are ongoing aspects of an individual’s daily experience that he or she needs help coping with. It's anonymous and completely free. I just need someone to talk to. Phone, video … AvailabilityThere's usually always someone ready to hear from you. • have something they’re afraid to talk about with anyone else The hotline is completely confidential and anonymous and, unlike some other hotline services, Samaritans does not utilize caller ID or any form of call-tracing, making Samaritans a safe place to turn during a time of distress or crisis. You can talk to one of our counsellors live online. This may help make the words clearer in your mind. You might also find that things may get worse if you don’t try to get on top of them straight away. Need someone to talk about your problems to? Every caller to Samaritans–no matter what he or she says is their reason for calling–will be taken through a communications/risk assessment protocol to determine his/her current state of mind and degree of suicidal risk. If you are facing a tough issue in your life and could use some guidance and encouragement, talk with one of our highly trained HopeCoach counselors today. If you’re feeling suicidal, you can call us. Or at least find other ways to give back. So I listened to everything and then I told her what I thought and what I thought she should do. DONATE. Gifted psychics are able to see deeper into the situation to provide valuable advice and guidance. Everybody needs someone to talk to at some point in their life, someone who will listen and take them seriously, no matter what the problem. Everyone needs a listening ear sometimes. • are unable to afford help or professional treatment She had ... Second problem, my dad does not want me down there because he is worried up and I get on his last raw nerve like he gets on mine. need to talk to someone . sometimes i feel depressed out of no where. 18 Answers. So I listened to everything and then I told her what I thought and what I thought she should do. Samaritans Mental Health Wellness Support Line, Title: Finding Our Way During the Coronavirus Outbreak. Instead, you just want someone who will listen – someone who will care. Hi, my mom has adenocarcinoma of the right lung in the pleural lining. People have discussed money issues, or difficulties at work, or with unemployment. You can e-mail me with any problems or issues you have in your life and I will read it and give you my … Talk to someone for free about your problems (free psychotherapy) April 4, 2015, 12:48 am 4 Comments The World Health Organization has reported that 1 in 4 persons is … Be YourselfNeed someone to talk to? margin-top: 5px; • feel on the verge of some form of self-destructive behavioral or suicidal act and want help, “This is to thank all the volunteers at The Samaritans for helping me through a very trying week. font-weight: Bold; Everybody needs someone to talk to at some point in their life, someone who will listen and take them seriously, no matter what the problem. Maybe there is someone out there that is in the similar situation that needs someone to talk to, please reply. I know when I use to get bombarded with depression and anxiety, I would be so afraid to go and talk to someone, because I thought they were going to rip me to pieces and throw me deeper into the hole that I … I joined a boarding school when I was 9 years old and remained there for the next 9 years. I need someone to talk to about my problems. Be prepared to listen to you, provide i need someone to talk to about my problems unbiased perspective, to! Sleep at night and can not afford the money you spend on alcohol. that things get! You call Samaritans for countless different reasons own time and at your own time and at your own time at... Thought she should do other ways to give you the best experience on our website need someone talk. Important first step is deciding who you want to talk to you, do n't ever about... Of that problem our website with unemployment your difficulties and stresses creating a new thread for problem. 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