The Post article relied on documents purportedly taken from the computer to try to buttress an unsubstantiated argument peddled by Mr. Giuliani and other Trump supporters: that as vice president, Mr. Biden had shaped American foreign policy in Ukraine to benefit his son. But the article suggested that the former vice president met with an adviser to a Ukrainian energy company whose board Hunter Biden sat on, Burisma Holdings. 0. “[P]lease have keys made available for new office mates,” Hunter Biden wrote to the general manager of his former D.C. office building. The purpose: a new car. One of the next times was the 2013 trip to China during which Hunter Biden arranged for Li to shake hands with his father in a hotel lobby, The New Yorker reported. Since the Post article was published, a clamorous Mr. Giuliani has pushed the allegations and said they prove the Bidens are corrupt. One of Pozharskyi’s goals was to persuade the Obama administration to end investigations into Burisma in Ukraine. December 2, 2020 8:15 PM 2 mins reading. The laptop prompted concerns about Russian disinformation because the intelligence community has warned for months about Russian attempts to influence the election, including by spreading disinformation about the Biden family. The Mail said emails show the two held extensive meetings. • In February 2017, Joe Biden agreed to his son’s request that the former vice president send a letter to Brown University recommending Jonathan Li’s son, Chris, for admission. A computer repair shop owner in Wilmington, Del., named John Paul Mac Isaac has said Hunter Biden left a damaged Apple computer at his shop in April 2019 and asked to recover any data. No concrete evidence has emerged that the laptop contains Russian disinformation. Claim: Says “Hunter Biden had 25,000 pics of him torturing and raping children under age 10 in China on his laptop.” On May 13, 2017, Bobulinski was on an email thread with Hunter Biden and Gilliar discussing how to divide SinoHawk equity. In October, the New York Post reported that The Mac Shop had been paid to … Twitter on Oct. 14 blocked users from tweeting unconfirmed New York Post articles alleging that now president-elect Joe Biden’s son Hunter engaged in corrupt business deals in Ukraine and China. Every share makes a big difference. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Want to help revive the Free Press in America? Weeks later, Li and Hunter Biden formed Bohai Harvest RST (BHR) investment firm. Yesterday it was revealed that Hunter Biden, the embattled son of President Biden, will release a memoir in April called “Beautiful Things.” But New York Post … Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s son Hunter has been the focus of an effort by President Trump’s allies to undermine the Biden campaign. After the Post's sourcing and conclusions were disputed, Facebook and Twitter both restricted the article's reach, and Twitter pointed to its ban on … Mr. Isaac also said he made a copy of the computer’s contents. The partnership fell through. To alert special friends and family please email the link to this article. At the time, Vice President Biden had become President Barack Obama’s point man on Ukraine. A Senate Republican report said Rakishev’s Novatus Holding company used a Latvian bank to wire $142,300 to Devon Archer’s Rosemont Seneca Bohai. Mia Cathell The Post Millennial. However, the social and corporate media titans work overtime to suppress alternative news. “I enjoyed the dinner as much as you did, and look forward to seeing you next time.”. The series of events laid out by the conservative tabloid and pushed by Trumpworld strain credibility and suggest a crude political hit. Hunter Biden is currently under investigation for suspected tax fraud, recent reports said. • In a well-publicized trip, Hunter Biden flew with Vice President Biden in 2013 to China, where Hunter met with Chinese financier Jonathan Li Xiangsheng. The receipt included an F.B.I. • Former Hunter Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski was set to head a new investment venture, SinoHawk Holdings. In 2011, Hunter Biden and Archer were seeking Chinese money for their various investments. Mr. Giuliani later provided it to the tabloid, a handoff in which Stephen K. Bannon, a former adviser to Mr. Trump who was indicted in an unrelated fraud case, also played an unspecified role. A computer repair shop owner in Wilmington, Del., named John Paul Mac Isaac has said Hunter Biden left a damaged Apple computer at his shop in April 2019 and asked to recover any data. “It’s really an honor and pleasure.”. That month, Ye came to the U.S. His general manager emailed James Gilliar, a Hunter business associate, saying “Chairman Ye is more than happy to meet H and the family in NYC on 5th or 6th of May.”. The accusations intensified in recent days when some of Mr. Trump’s associates, including his personal lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani, provided material for a New York Post article detailing some of the allegations. By Jesselyn Cook, Jessica Schulberg, and Nick Robins-Early. Hunter Biden’s new memoir is already No. With pressure mounting on the F.B.I. The slaves of China or free (but clueless voters) in the West? Many questions remain about the origins of the allegations themselves, the laptop and what, if anything, agents are investigating. The plan was for SinoHawk to invest Ye’s cash flow. after he began fearing for his safety because he knew what was on the laptop, which The New York Post said included a graphic video. He listed his office mates as his dad, stepmother Jill Biden, uncle James Biden and Gongwen. He said he eventually decided to contact the F.B.I. At some point, he decided to examine the material, calling it “alarming” and “embarrassing” but declining to discuss specifics. “Just see the email,” Li says to Hunter Biden upon receiving a letter copy. Hunter Biden said the office sign would read: The Biden Foundation and Hudson West (CEFC US). The year 2017 appeared to be Hunter Biden’s best for securing Chinese investments from tycoon Ye Jianming and his Chinese Energy Fund Co. CEFC wired $5 million to a fund called Hudson West in New York, which sent most of the money to Hunter Biden’s Washington law firm, the Republican Senate report said. to respond to questions from Congress about the laptop, the bureau wrote to one of the president’s staunchest allies in Congress, Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, suggesting that it had not found any Russian disinformation on the laptop. During the 2020 election campaign, Biden referred to the New York Post’s blockbuster story and other reporting on the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop as “Russian disinformation.”. Julian E. Barnes, Katie Benner and Kenneth P. Vogel contributed reporting. , You must be logged in to post a comment 1 — on Amazon’s Chinese biographies list — as his new $5.4 million digs in Venice, California, were revealed Friday. John Paul Mac Isaac was the owner of The Mac Shop, a Delaware computer repair business. In October, the New York Post reported that The Mac Shop had been paid to recover data from a laptop belonging to Joe Biden’s son Hunter, and it published emails and pictures allegedly from a copy of the hard drive. Potentially explosive movements on a volatile Asian chessboard, High stakes at the 5+1 Iran talks: The threat of a ‘big war’ that could involve Russia, End of Atlanticism and the rise of Germany: The West looks East and yields to unelected bureaucracies, 'Absolute proof': The pillow guy documents voting data fraud. The general secretary of the Chinese Energy Fund Co. later said that among the officials they met was the U.S. vice president, Breitbart disclosed. The British Daily Mail reported that Hunter Biden worked from 2012 to 2014 as a middleman for Rakishev, a politically connected millionaire and investor. Conservative commentator Dan Bongino tweeted: “The Hunter Biden stuff about to come out is going to deeply disturb and shake you. Mr. Isaac declined to discuss his next steps, but The New York Post reported that in September, he gave the copy of the hard drive to Mr. Giuliani’s lawyer, Robert J. Costello. A lawyer for Hunter Biden, George Mesires, told The Washington Post that “this purported meeting never happened.”. New York (CNN Business) Last week, the New York Post published a dubious story about Hunter Biden, the son of Democratic presidential nominee and former Vice President Joe Biden. Mr. Isaac said he called a couple of members of Congress, whom he did not identify, but did not hear back. Intelligence Brief __________ Replace The Media, corrupt Bidens, Damning new evidence from Hunter Biden’s laptop is coming out,, Damning new evidence from Hunter Biden’s laptop is coming out added by World Tribune on January 11, 2021View all posts by World Tribune →. Managing America’s decline from 1600 Pennsyslvania Ave. Who is more idiotic? With only 20 days before the presidential election, the New York Post published what it called a … Biden’s campaign put out a statement in response to the New York Post piece, which couldn’t be less convincing in denial. Mr. Isaac, who said he voted for Mr. Trump in 2016, declined to answer many questions about the laptop and his contacts with the F.B.I. “More emails from other sources have emerged. The New York Post’s front-page article about Hunter Biden on Wednesday was written mostly by a staff reporter who refused to put his name on it, two Post employees said. investigation at the time. What We Know and Don’t About Hunter Biden and a Laptop. The New York Post reporter who wrote most of the article refused to put his name on it because of concerns about its credibility, two Post employees have said. “In order to cement this robust partnership, we have to go beyond close ties between Washington and Beijing, which we’re working on every day, go beyond it to include all levels of government, go beyond it to include classrooms and laboratories, athletic fields and boardrooms,” Biden said. agents in late 2019 and provided them with a timeline of events. A cache of emails and other selected data purportedly from a laptop owned by Hunter Biden were published today by the New York Post. An email from Eric D. Schwerin, Hunter Biden’s business associate at their Rosemont Seneca Advisors firm in Washington, shows that Schwerin was talking to the vice president’s office. Cooney is serving a prison term in a fraud case that also ensnared Archer, who is due to be sentenced in federal court. The computer repair shop owner tied to the New York Post's reporting on Hunter Biden sued Twitter on Monday, claiming the tech giant defamed him by incorrectly calling him a … “It is always my greatest pleasure meeting you guys,” Li said in an email to Hunter Biden and his business associates. • A Sept. 21, 2017, email obtained by the Daily Caller shows that Hunter Biden planned to set up a joint office in Washington that would include his father and Gongwen Dong, the top aide to CEFC Chairman Ye. • In April and May 2014, Hunter Biden and his business partner, Archer, gained seats on the board of Burisma Holdings, an energy firm in Ukraine that the State Department believes to be corrupt. A lot. Among the Biden shares, the split would be 20% Hunter, 10% for James Biden and “10 held by H for the big guy?” Bobulinski told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson that the “big guy” is Joe Biden. The computer repair shop owner who was paid to repair Hunter Biden’s laptop and was the source for The New York Post story about Biden’s emails, has filed a lawsuit against the social media platform for defamation, claiming it falsely labelled him as a hacker. Login, Mike Lindell produced banned election documentary in less than a week, but he's just getting started, Swamp values: Liz Cheney opts for D.C. over Wyoming, won’t resign; Hunter’s ‘honesty’, Swalwell, back on the House Intelligence Committee, also named to Homeland Security panel, An expert security analysis of the Jan 6 incident at the Capitol, Home Depot Foundation partners in effort to eradicate ‘white ways of working’, Rising social media star debunks 'this whole white privilege thing', Greenwald: 'Stasi-like citizen surveillance' carried out by corporate media 'hall monitors', ‘Absolute proof’: The pillow guy documents voting data fraud, Unreported: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s speech to Congress on Feb. 4, Intelligence from the Hot Zones. The article referred to an email that the adviser, Vadym Pozharskyi, sent to Hunter Biden thanking him for “giving an opportunity to meet your father” and to spend “some time together.”, A Biden campaign spokesman said Mr. Biden’s official schedules did not show a meeting between the two men. It’s really hard but don’t worry, unlike Pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary.”. • Hunter Biden also was trying to make deals in Kazakhstan. The New York Post has published an article revealing alleged photos and emails from a laptop allegedly left by Hunter Biden at a computer repair shop; The authenticity of … Mr. Isaac said he met with F.B.I. Mr. Isaac said he did not hear back from investigators. Anatomy Of A Smear: Questions Surrounding The New York Post’s Hunter Biden Story. The agents also gave him a receipt for what they took, according to a photograph of it published by Fox News. “Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent some time together,” Pozharskyi said in an email first reported by the New York Post. Russia has conducted a hacking campaign to find information damaging to the Biden campaign, most notably through a hack on Burisma. The agents returned about two weeks later in mid-December with a grand jury subpoena allowing them to seize the laptop and the external hard drive. Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich was ousted and fled to Russia in February, two months before Archer and Hunter Biden were put on the Burisma board. Mr. Isaac said in an interview with The New York Times last week outside the shop that he is legally blind and could not be sure whether the man was Hunter Biden but asked his name to fill out a work order, and the man identified himself as Hunter Biden. The Biden campaign has rejected the accusations. The report described the firm as a shell company. 0. had seized a computer that purportedly belonged to Hunter Biden. Hunter Biden once texted his daughter: “I hope you all can do what I did, and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years and it has been tough. In May 2017, he found himself in a Los Angeles hotel bar meeting with Joe Biden, who was sizing up his son’s new partner. officials have declined to discuss the inquiry. Support The Post Millennial . Get ready, it’s ugly.”, “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,” Biden said in 2019. On the same day of the New York Post's reporting, Kessler moved to dispel the negative publicity surrounding the Biden family. What if the media had 'Dan-Quayled Obama'? Scarborough noted that The Washington Times had acquired a copy of the hard drive from the laptop that Hunter Biden dropped off at a repair shop in Wilmington, Delaware, in April 2019 and never retrieved. The events are the latest chapter in a more than two-year effort by the president and his allies to uncover damning information about the Bidens, a pursuit that also helped prompt Mr. Trump’s impeachment. Mr. Isaac said he told the bureau. In an explainer on Oct. 14, Kessler questioned the authenticity of the infamous "smoking-gun email" delivered by Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani and pointed out that there was "no indication that Hunter Biden replied" to the exchange. Three months earlier, Vice President Biden visited China and delivered a policy speech at Sichuan University. President Trump’s allies have promoted claims of corruption aimed at the former vice president’s son in an effort to damage the Biden campaign. “Couldn’t confirm this with Hunter on line but we got him his meeting at the WH Monday for the Chinese folks,” Archer said in an email to an associate on Nov. 11, 2011. Mr. Biden has long said he knew nothing about his son’s business activities in Ukraine. They are now slamming the New York Post, a credible news organization, as a "tabloid." Mr. Trump’s impeachment focused on his dealings with Ukraine, and in particular his attempts to press the president of Ukraine to announce investigations that could benefit Mr. Trump politically, including one into Burisma and the Bidens. F.B.I. “If I was somebody important, I would want to keep some of this stuff private,” he said. But Hunter Biden’s exploited laptop computer and other public disclosures show Joe Biden “had at least 10 opportunities to know about his son’s extensive foreign cash flow,” Rowan Scarborough noted in a Jan. 10 report for The Washington Times. for embracing the president’s political agenda. If you enjoyed this article we’d really appreciate a quick share. “Nobody wants their dirty laundry aired.”. An undated photo surfaced at an anti-corruption website, Kazakhstan Initiative on Asset Recovery, showing Hunter Biden posing in a photo with his father and two Kazakhs: Kenges Rakishev and former Prime Minister Karim Massimov. He owed a “substantial” amount to the IRS in 2018, apparently for 2017 and prior years when he was receiving regular income from a Ukrainian oligarch and Chinese firms tied to the Communist Party, an email shows. It is also not clear what the F.B.I. They also confirmed that the agent who signed the receipt works in Wilmington and is overseen by the Baltimore office. Bobulinski would be the CEO and Hunter the chairman if CEFC agreed. President Trump’s allies have long promoted claims of corruption about Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s son Hunter in a bid to damage Mr. Biden’s presidential campaign. Join the ranks of independent, free thinkers by supporting us today for as little as $1. seized the laptop and an external hard drive as part of an investigation, though they did not detail the inquiry or whether it involved money laundering or Hunter Biden. did with the laptop or what Justice Department officials knew about the sensitive F.B.I. Mr. Giuliani also said in an interview that he alerted Mr. Trump that the tabloid would be publishing an article about the laptop in case he was asked about it. According to Fortune Magazine : A spokesperson for Facebook took to Twitter on Wednesday to say the media company would restrict the spread of a tabloid story that recounts the alleged discovery of a “smoking gun” email linking this year’s Democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden… The laptop was taken He said that he wondered why the laptop’s existence had not been disclosed during the impeachment proceedings against Mr. Trump, and that he began to fear that agents might be trying to bury the information he found on the laptop. In addition to the Hunter Biden laptop that yielded so many bombshell stories in The New York Post, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) reportedly obtained another laptop tied to Hunter Biden back in February. In an October 2018 email from his certified public accountant to Hunter Biden, the CPA told him “The taxes owed are substantial” and listed $600,000 in personal taxes and $204,000 owed for Owasco, Hunter Biden’s D.C. law firm. 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