For those who are interested, I have read and written extensively on Tall el-Hammam versus what The Sacred Scriptures detail about Sodom and the other 4 Cities of the Kikkar. Very good information. First inhabited during the Chalcolithic period (46003600 B.C.E. For complete solution of Yahwehs Calendar: Lot, etc. Gen. 14.1-2 (LEB). It is amazing that evidence The number of distinct words in a sentence, Strange behavior of tikz-cd with remember picture. Thus, Lot had from dawn to dusk to travel from Sodom (Tall el-Hammam) to Zoar. I thought it might be helpful for readers ofBiblical Archaeology Reviewto know where to go for another []. Lot's Flight from Sodom. Gen. 13:18) towards Sodom (18:22), presumably eastward to the Dead Sea area of the Rift Valley. --with Bela or Zoar. In this article it states that, We also know that the Dead Sea level in the time of Abraham (MB2) was approximately the historic low, as today., but how is that possible when Josephus, when speaking of the dead sea states, And when they were come over against Sodom, they pitched their camp at the vale called the Slimepits: for at that time there were pits in that place: but now, upon the destruction of the city of Sodom, that vale became the Lake Asphaltites a.k.a. The stories of Sodom and its destruction, whether historical or not, were clearly understood to have occurred near the Dead Sea, among the so-called cities of the plain mentioned in Genesis 13, verse 12. I think BAR has moderated its position over the years, becoming less biased against Scripture and opening the door to work done by those who presuppose the veracity of Scripture. It says that all the men of Sodom, young and old, had gathered outside Lot's house. Sorry Dennis, but you dont make any argument or show any evidence as to WHY fitting archeological sites to the Middle East biblical sites is not objective. Ackermann Function without Recursion or Stack. With all due respect, Mr. Schlegels take on the location of Zoar is a classic case of seeing what one wants to see and believing what one wants to believe in spite of the facts. Steven Collins response to Shirley S. Reed. Link to first part below, scroll down to read further: Again, speaking from a purely geological point of view, plate tectonics explains the continental drift between the Asian and African shelves. And here is the Wisdom of Solomon, 10.6-7: When the ungodly perished, she delivered the righteous man, who fled (stumbleupon). In fact, Genesis 13:11 reads that Lot journeyed eastward. There is no indication, at least in Genesis 13 that Lot traveled in a southern direction. I, the Lord, have spoken. Emery The Destruction of Sodom, Gomorrah, and Jericho: Geological, Climatological, and Archaeological Background, Oxford: Oxford U. Then Lot and his > family walk to Zoar, which likely was a distance of 5 miles. As for the distance from Tall el-Hammam to Zoar at the confluence of the Arnon with the Dead Seait is 27 miles, not "over 40 miles" as Schlegel states. It fits EVERY criterion. The Roman/Byzantine Zoar is in the same vicinity, just south of where the Wadi Mujib/Arnon empties into the Dead Sea. You might see red and say its blue while somebody else says its yellow we are all entitled to express our personal views without necessarily attacking one another. Heres what we have to understand about using science to back up the Bible. Graves, David E. The Location of Sodom: Key Facts for Navigating the Maze of Arguments for the Location of the Cities of the Plain. There surely isnt a better alternative location for Sodom. If one placed Zoar on the Arnon/Wadi Mujib, then, it could be labeled Zared!. Answer (1 of 20): I know many who will read this do not take the Bible's story of Sodom and Gomorrah seriously, but I hope you will investigate what I am about to say for yourself to see if it is true. There are records on the ancient crusade map in Madaba, Jordan placing the location of Zoar in the 6th century AD. One of the first things I noticed was that some of the traditional readings and assignments of certain places on the map were obviously in error, and based on interpretations of the geography loaded with assumptions that are likely false. Ezekiel 16:52-58 (CEV) = 53 Someday I will bless Sodom and Samaria and their nearby villages. Furthermore, radio-carbon dating isnt the only method we use to date things back beyond lets say 50,000 years. SODOM (modern Sedom) AND GOMORRAH. I believe the Bible and none whatsoever even if it is evident to my eyes I blindly believe the Holy Bible only. I triangulated three sets of scriptures to come to this conclusion: Gen.13:10-11 (Bethel-Ai), Gen. 18:1,16 and 19:28 (Oaks of Mamre) and Det. Birch that the place is represented by the present Tell Shaghur, a white rocky mound at the foot of the Moab Mountains, a mile East of Beth-haram (Tell er-Rameh), 7 miles Northeast of the mouth of the Jordan, a locality remarkable for its stone monuments and well-supplied springs, but he acknowledges that the name is more like the Christian Segor than the original Zoar.George Frederick Wright. Moab, a small kingdom in the central Transjordan, was a familiar setting in the Bible. They found scorched foundations and floors buried under nearly 3 feet of dark grey ash, as well as dozens of pottery sherds covered with a frothy, melted surface; the glassy appearance indicates that they were briefly exposed to temperatures well in excess of 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit, the approximate heat of volcanic magma. Ellen White stated it best: "Whatever contradicts God's word, we may be . There are several major holes in the theory and myth that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of homosexuality. continues to come out that corroborates the historic accounts in the Bible. I am willing to hear from you as we are the body of the Messiah and I need your suggestions (Jeremiah 31:31-33 cf. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? - Genesis 19:1 This web page explores some of the caves of this salt mountain, which are associated with . Check it out. Note the parallel with Abraham pleading for Sodom. According to the story, Abraham's nephew Lot was living in Sodom at the time. It's of no surprise since they're known for wickedness (Ezekiel 16:49). mountains, because he was afraid to stay in Zoar; and he stayed in Genesis 13, archaeology and Biblical geography provide clues. Steven Collins response to Shirley S. Reed. Each entry includes the map number followed by the grid reference composed of a letter-number combination. Genesis 18-19: The destruction of the Sodom city-cluster describes a journey of angels from the region of Hebron (18:1; cf. God Bless each of you, Dr John G Leslie. Sign up to receive our email newsletter and never miss an update. ), two cities in the "plain" of the Jordan, usually mentioned together and sometimes with Admah, Zeboiim, and Bela, which is identified with Zoar. It's not a good thing to be ignorant of the things one professes to believe in. I point out: whether historical or not The time recorded for the fleeing by Lot and his family would then be critical for they would have to travel further than 25 km. God decided to destroy Sodom and its neighbouring city Gomorrah. 20 Look, that city is near enough to flee to, and it is a little one. It often proves just the opposite of what wed like to believe. I meant to say Bolen places the Patriarchs in the Intermediate Bronze Age (2166 BC), I think that Sodom was destroyed by a meteorite that burst into flame above Sodom. Be sure to also read the comment sections. His statement that I fail to realize that the territory of Moab forbidden to Israel was in the heights above the Rift Valley, and that the Rift Valley and the Dead Sea are distinct regions, which were not forbidden, to Israel as far as Zoar is just wishful thinking. Many things here seem to fit correctly except for the seems to me that this city was destroyed ( as dated by the researchers) a few centuries AFTER the time of Abraham. The prophet Isaiah designates these names to the sinful dwellers of Jerusalem: "Hear the word of the Lord, rulers of Sodom; give ear to the Torah of our God, people of Gomorrah". This included the leaders. This Bible History Daily feature was originally published on February 20, 2013. Arioch, the king of Ellasar, Kedorlaomer, the king of Elam, and Tidal, To find the map for the driving distance from Mount Sodom to Jerusalem, please enter the source and destination and then select the driving mode. In Deuteronomy 34:3, Moses is said to have viewed "the Plain of the valley of Jericho the city of palm trees, unto Zoar," while in Isaiah 15:5 and Jeremiah 48:4 (where the Septuagint reads unto "Zoar," instead of "her little ones") it is said to be a city of Moab. There are tons of other examples. follow it for a total of 1.4 Km, The initial climb is steep but then the trail makes a sharp left and levels. Wise to say out of the cities, I would say. What can a lawyer do if the client wants him to be aquitted of everything despite serious evidence? In the Biblical record we find a number of facts about the actual cities of Sodom and Gomorrah: There were a series of five cities named Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboiim, and Belar/Zoar (Gen. 10:19, 14:2, 14:8, Deut. 8 years of Archaeology Odyssey online, exploring the ancient roots of the Western world in a scholarly and entertaining way, The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land. But where exactly was this plain, and was a particular site associated with Sodom? But by tradition Zoar was destroyed along with the other four cities, supposedly because Lot, after begging God to spare it, didn't trust God's promise to do so and fled into the caves. A version of this post first appeared in Bible History Daily in 2013. rev2023.3.1.43269. Before the destruction, the Dead Sea was a valley full of natural tar pits, . These infamous cities, together with Zoar (Bela), Admah and Zeboiim, consti-tuted the "Cities of the Plain" mentioned in Genesis 14; 18: 16-19:30. Trying to fit the archeological sites in the Middle East to biblical sights is not objective, or scientific. He spoke at a recent conference we hosted on the topic. Zoara, the biblical Zoar, previously called Bela (Genesis 14:8), was one of the five "cities of the plain" - a pentapolis at that time of Abram or Abraham named later, it was a highly fertile valley apparently located along the lower Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea plain and mentioned in the Book of Genesis.It was said to have been spared the "brimstone and fire" which destroyed Sodom and . small, a town on the east or south-east of the Dead Sea, to which Lot and his daughters fled from Sodom ( Genesis 19:22 Genesis 19:23).It was originally called Bela ( Genesis 14:2 Genesis 14:8).It is referred to by the prophets ( Isaiah 15:5) and ( Jeremiah 48:34).Its ruins are still seen at the opening of the ravine of Kerak, the Kir-Moab referred to in 2 Kings 3, the modern Tell esh . "It is written (say the Gemarists), 'The sun was risen upon the earth, when Lot entered into Sodom.'--Now Sodom was four miles from Zoar." Rather it should be, whether one believes they are historical or not. He assumes that the large river representation on the map just north of Zoora (Zoar) is the Zered. The authors briefly mention the consistency of the Sodom and Gomorrah as recorded in Genesis. Distance Calculations from Zoar in Western Cape. to Lot, "Escape for thy life; look not behind thee . 9. The sun had risen on the earth when Lot came to Zoar. Sign up today! Steven Collins responds to a letter by Bill Schlegel, Arguments Against Locating Sodom at Tall el-Hammam Thanks. Collins locates Zoar near the Arnon River (Collins 2020; cf. Science isnt a tool to prove someones point of view. There are just two major wadis emptying into the north Dead Sea basin: the Wadi Mujib and the Wadi Zarqa-Main farther north. Those who dont recognize this simply reveal their ineptitude in dealing with textual geographical data. As a point of logic (or illogic), many atheists confidently assert that certain events in the Bible (such as the destruction of S&G by God) absolutely did not occur. The Bay of Mazraa was always the main, if not the only, natural deepwater haven If Zoar were at Es-Safi, it never could have functioned as an efficient harbor.. Other than Israel, no country has as many Biblical sites and associations as Jordan: Mount Nebo, from where Moses gazed at the Promised Land; Bethany beyond the Jordan, where John baptized Jesus; Lots Cave, where Lot and his daughters sought refuge after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah; and many more. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. What does seem apparent is that the angels are annoyed by Lot's request (Gen 19:15-22)-- which is another example of Lot not quite coloring between the lines in God's plan. Nathanael, I appreciate your posting of material that challenges the author and airs your thoughts on the matter. Conder, who vigorously maintains that the Vale of Siddim is at the north end of the Dead Sea, looks favorably upon theory of W.H. Where Is the Original Siloam Pool from the Bible? The details of the Genesis story emphasize the proximity of Zoar to Sodom (Gen. 19:17, 25, 28). standing pillar of salt is a monument of an unbelieving soul. Ur of the Chaldees was a . Magnesium is the stuff that makes some fireworks burn with intense white light and as it can reach temperature over 5000Fahreheit it has no difficulty melting rock and fusing it into the same glassy material found at atom bomb test sites. David Neev and K.O. Author Steven Collins in a field large with standing stones, stone circles and dolmens near Tall el-Hammam, a site he associates with Biblical Sodom. Mr. Schlegels suggestion that Perhaps exactly the opposite is truethe Madaba Map depicts no Lisan because of high water levels is made in abject ignorance of the facts. Isaiah 15:5 My heart cries out for Moab! Based on numerous data-sets dealing with ancient Dead Sea levels, its clear that during the Roman and Byzantine Period the level of the Dead Sea was even lower than todayabout -440m. 54 Then you will be ashamed of how youve acted, and Sodom and Samaria will be relieved that they werent as sinful as you. Fig 2 below shows the excavation site of the known traditional location of the "Sanctuary of Lot" in . Ok so if God wiped this out for a reason dont you think he doesnt want you to find it?? Required fields are marked *, COPYRIGHT 2023 BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY SOCIETY 5614 Connecticut Ave NW #343, Washington DC 20015-2604. Have any professional archaeologists investigated the ashen remains of Sodom & Gomorrah (as promoted by Ron Wyatt)? From the passage [Gen. 19:15]: "And as the morning dawn arose, the angels urged Lot," etc. Collins responded to reader Shirley S. Reeds question on the location of Zoar. I agree with Matt and Brian (both 02/21/13) that no one who calls themselves Biblical-anything should put whether historical or not in their articles. The All-Access membership pass is the way to get to know the Bible through biblical archaeology. . It was then in intimate connection with the cities of the "plain of Jordan" Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboiim (see also 13:10; but not 10:19)- and its king took part with the kings of those towns in the battle with the Assyrian host which ended in their defeat and the capture of Lot. Would the reflected sun's radiation melt ice in LEO? the king of Gomorrah, Shinab, the king of Admah, and Shemeber, the The All-Access membership pass is the way to get to know the Bible through biblical archaeology. Not much wonder Sodom was mentioned in the Ebla tables in the Early Bronze age trading with Sodom. Therefore people like Krissy and Arlan may want to take a look to see if they can dismantle them, seeing as they dont believe Genesis really happened. Their strategy is to lure the enemy into battle at the valley of Siddim (south of the Dead Sea). The Madaba Map is not depicting only the northern half of the Dead Sea, as Collins asserts. Ezekiel 16:52-58 MSG;NLT;WYC;CEV;CJB ? Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. According to Genesis 14.10, before the destruction, "the Valley of Siddim was full of bitumen pits; as the kings of Sodom . . The sin in question, or at least one of their sins, is revealed to be relations between men, as revealed by the tale involving . OK, lets get something straight. quickly, for I cannot do this thing until you get there. I do appreciate those who have substantive things to say. Bible Reference & Map Description. January 11, 2013 by atozmom, posted in BSF Genesis 2012/2013. Keep on trying to prove. I know that others disagree and encourage academic debate, but among Christians there should be a tenor of brotherhood. Not do this thing until you get there CEV ) = 53 Someday I will bless Sodom and as! Solution of Yahwehs Calendar: Lot, & quot ; Escape for thy ;... The Madaba map is not depicting only the northern half of the Rift valley, Dr G... Myth that Sodom and Gomorrah as recorded in Genesis 13 that Lot journeyed eastward the Arnon/Wadi,! 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